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The Solar Bodies: Story of the Chinese Master Kao Feng

Story of the Chinese Master Kao Feng

The Chinese Master Kao Feng entered the priesthood at the age of fifteen and was ordained at the age of twenty in the monastery of Chin Tzu.

Kao Feng comprehended that all human beings are miserable, sleeping automatons. Therefore, he proposed to “awaken his consciousness” as soon as possible by means of the science of meditation.

“First I worked under Master Tuan Chiao. He taught me to work on the Hua Tou, “Where was I before birth, and where will I be after death?” [I followed his instructions and practiced, but could not concentrate my mind because of the bifurcation in this very Hua Tou.]” —Garma C.C.Chang, The Practice of Zen (1959)

The Solar Bodies: The Passion of Al Hallaj

The Passion of Al Hallaj

The omnicosmic and most holy Al-Hallaj was born in Madina al-Bayda, a little village in the ancient province of Fars, in southern Persia, in the year 224 A.H. / 857 C.E., and was the grandson of a devotee of the great Master Zoroaster.

Al-Hallaj was initiated into the great mysteries of Sufism. Arabian traditions tell us that when he was forty years old, he disagreed with the jurists and orthodox traditional, religious scholars; thus, he went to the streets to directly teach the multitudes the sublime principles of spiritual life.

It is written that Al-Hallaj, the great Sufi master, taught with his word and with his example. Indefatigably, he travelled throughout Iran, India, Turkey, etc., reaching even the very borders of ancient China.