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The Solar Bodies: The Caduceus of Mercury

The Caduceus of Mercury

The vertebral or rachis column is harmoniously formed by the perfect superposition of thirty-three vertebrae, which form a precious sheath for the spinal medulla. With absolute precision, the spinal medulla is situated in the posterior and in the middle of the trunk, and five parts or regions are exposed with complete clarity: cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.

Among the total vertebrae (pyramids or canyons, as stated in esoteric science) seven are cervical, twelve are dorsal, five are lumbar, five are sacral, and four are coccygeal.

Doctors of medicine know very well that the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar vertebrae remain independent from one another; yet, the sacral and coccygeal are united with an astonishing eurhythm in order to respectively form the sacrum and the coccyx.

The Solar Bodies: White Tantra

White Tantra

Some esotericists with tendencies to Asian esotericism who traveled in the East investigated the Asian continent and arrived at the conclusion that in Tibet as well as in India, tantra is the only truly practical school.

There are many ashrams in the sacred land of the Vedas. They practice and study yoga within these ashrams; however, the most serious ashrams are exclusively those where the tantric teaching is abundant.

In the Hindustani markets, studious travelers can find marvelous tantric books like Kama Kalpa and Kama Sutra. These books are illustrated with splendid photographs related to certain sacred sculptures and bas-reliefs of their temples. A careful examination of those photographs allows us to collect very interesting information about tantric Maithuna (sexual yoga).

The Solar Bodies: The Chakras

The Chakras

Very interesting data and references in relation to chakras, churches, lotus flowers, or magnetic centers of the dorsal spine are abundant in esoteric literature.

A very careful analysis of this matter of the seven magnetic centers of the dorsal spine takes us to the logical conclusion that there are three in particular that are most important: Muladhara at the base of the dorsal spine, coccygeal bone; Sahasrara, the cervical lotus of one thousand petals; and Manipura, the umbilical lotus.

It is urgent to eliminate from our perceptions all subjective elements. It is indispensable to perceive in a spatial and self-cognizant manner everything that we see and imagine. It is indispensable to awaken the consciousness.

The Solar Bodies: The Magisterium of Fire

The Magisterium of Fire

Beloved souls who sincerely study this message of this cosmic festival of Christmas 1967, the time has come to profoundly comprehend what the magisterium of fire truly is.

It is urgent to descend into the ninth sphere, into the somber well that is the very depth of the whole universe, in order to work with the fire and the water, the origin of worlds, beasts, human beings, and gods. Every authentic white initiation begins there.

But let those melodious maidens from ancient times (by whose aid Amphion lay down the foundation of Thebes) assist me with this chapter, so that with truth, my style will not detract from the nature of this matter.

The Solar Bodies: Pranayama


A judicious study of the marvelous esoteric work The Voice of the Silence by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky takes us to the logical conclusion that there are seven tremendous initiatic gates.

By all means it is clear that to reach the fifth gate is fundamental, because for the warrior the two superior gates are always open.

In various Masonic degrees, they make reference to that symbolic, esoteric ladder that unites the Earth with heaven. This is the same ladder that the incarnated Angel Israel (whose profane name was Jacob) saw in his dreams.

Many mistakenly believe that the coccygeal chakra (with its four marvelous petals) is the first rung of the holy ladder.