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Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: The Panspermia of Arrhenius

The Panspermia of Arrhenius

Some predecessors of Darwin believed that the assemblage of species on the genealogical trees was the outcome of the evolution of one species into another. Such a belief is in its depth an absurd hypothesis, because we have never observed the birth of a new species.

Jean Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck, opined that evolution had occurred by the adaptation of plants and animals to the environment, transmitting their acquired characteristics to the following generation.

Charles Darwin went even further in his expositions, with his dishevelled idea that the new types of species were emerging from occasional variations, due to hazard, or to errors of heredity, which afterwards were eliminated by the survival of the most adapted one.

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: Egyptian Mysteries

Egyptian Mysteries

Hail, oh blessed Goddess Athena-Neith! How grand are thy works and marvels!

The Gods and those who are wise know very well that thou art the divine Clytone from the submerged Atlantis.

It is written with fiery characters in the great book of life that thou, oh Goddess, knew how to intelligently select the best of Vulcan’s seed in order to found the august city of Athens.

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: Dark Light

Dark Light

“Osiris is a dark God.” These terrible, frightful words, this unusual, mysterious phrase, was secretly pronounced in the concealment of the temples, during the Initiatic ceremonies in the sunny country of Khem.

Gods and humans know very well that Osiris Numen, the Egyptian God, deep in thought, is absolutely incomprehensible to us all.

That which is the mystery, that which we do not understand, is dark for the human intellect. Now, after this explanation, our readers can comprehend the deep meaning of that mysterious phrase.

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: Radio Astronomy

Radio Astronomy

Radio astronomy is an Atlantean science that is lost in the profound night of all centuries. This science re-emerged in our day and age, in an apparently very casual way, thanks to the incessant efforts performed by Karl G. Jasnky of the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey. His assignment was to track down and scientifically identify the various forms of high frequency static interference that, in a very disturbing way, were plaguing the vital transoceanic telephone communications of his corporation.

On August 1931, Jansky started his observations by utilizing a longitudinal wave of 14.6 metres (20,600 kilocycles). Thus, very soon, he achieved in detecting the sources of two types of cosmic static.

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: The Demon Apopi

The Demon Apopi

After having died [psychologically] within myself, I was confirmed in the Light, and then I entered the temple and signed my documents.

To ascend into the first heaven of a lunar type was the next step. The Adepts taught me how to protect myself against the fatal attraction which the sub-lunar infernos exercise upon oneself.

A branch was given to me in order to smell, which influenced me in a very special way. Such a delicate fragrance had, indeed, a taste of sanctity. “With this perfume you can defend thyself against the lunar attraction,” exclaimed the Adept who was instructing me.