Egyptian Mysteries
Hail, oh blessed Goddess Athena-Neith! How grand are thy works and marvels!
The Gods and those who are wise know very well that thou art the divine Clytone from the submerged Atlantis.
It is written with fiery characters in the great book of life that thou, oh Goddess, knew how to intelligently select the best of Vulcan’s seed in order to found the august city of Athens.
Oh Neith! Thou established Sais on the Nile’s delta. The sunny country of Khem reverently bends itself before thee.
Hail…! Hail…! Hail…!
The phrases uttered by the priest of Sais still resound from within the depth of the centuries:
Alas Solon, Solon, ye Greeks are nothing but children! There is not even an Elder in Greece!
Ye all are young in your souls, since ye do not treasure any truly ancient opinion which cometh forth from an archaic tradition.
Ye do not possess, no, indeed, any knowledge whitened through time, and behold, this is why throughout the course of the centuries, the destruction of mankind and of entire countries has occurred in great number. The majority of these destructions has been by fire and by water and the minority by thousands of other diverse causes.
Thus, this is how, among ye, exists that old tradition which states that in ancient times, Phaeton, the son of the sun, when willing himself to drive his father’s chariot, burned the earth and then perished by the lightning that struck him.
Such a tale is of a fabulous character. However, the truth which such sort of a fable hides under its symbol is that all of the many celestial bodies that move in their orbits suffer perturbations that, in time, determine a periodical destruction of the terrestrial things by a great fire.
In such catastrophes, people who live in the mountains, in elevated and in arid places die faster than those who dwell at the shores of the seas and rivers.
This is why the Nile, to which in many ways we owe our life, saved us then from such a tremendous disaster. Thus, when the Gods submerged the earth in order to purify it, not all the oxherds and shepherds perished over the mountains. At least the inhabitants of your cities were carried little by little out towards the sea by following the stream of the rivers.
Nonetheless, in our country, the rains have never fecundated our fields such as they did with others’ fields, not then, nor in any epoch, because nature has determined that the water should come to us from our own land through the river.
This is the cause why our country can preserve the most ancient traditions, because neither the very extreme heats nor the excessive rains have despoiled it from its inhabitants. In addition, if the human race can certainly increase or decrease in number of individuals, it will never reach its complete disappearance from the face of the earth.
Through this way and for this reason, all that has been created as beautiful, great, or memorable in any given aspect, whether in your country or in our country, or any other country, is written - since many centuries ago - and preserved in our temples. However, among us and the rest of the countries, the use of writing and of all that which is necessary for a civilized state does not come from a very recent epoch. Thus, suddenly, with determined intervals, what falls upon us as a cruel pestilence are torrents which precipitate themselves from heaven, which do not allow any subsistence, but only of men who are strange to the letters and to the muses. Consequently, ye are recommencing, so to say, your infancy again, thus ye ignore every event of your country or our country which goes back into a forgone time.
Therefore, Solon, all of those genealogical details which thou hast given unto us, in relation with thy country, look like mere infantile tales.
Of course, ye speaketh unto us about a deluge, when indeed many deluges have been formerly verified.
Moreover, ye ignore that in your country another more excellent and perfect race of men existed, who perished with the exception of a small number, from whom you and the rest of thy nation descended.
Ye do not know it, because the first descendants of that race died without transmitting anything in writing throughout many generations. Therefore, Solon, in those times, before the last great destruction by the waters, this same Republic of Athens, which then already existed, was admirable in war. It was distinguished over all because of the prudence and wisdom of its laws, as well as for its generous actions, and it counted, to that end, among the most beautiful institutions which have ever been heard to exist under the heavens.
Solon added that he became astonished when hearing such a narration and that filled with infinite curiosity, he begged unto the Egyptian priests to amplify their narratives.
I was reincarnated in the sacred land of the Pharaohs during the dynasty of the Pharaoh Kephren.
I knew in depth the ancient mysteries from secret Egypt. Verily, I say unto you, that I have never forgotten them.
Marvellous events come into my memory in these precise moments.
On a given evening—it does not matter which one—slowly walking over the sands of the desert under the ardent rays of the tropical sun, I, like a somnambulist, silently passed through a mysterious street with millenarian sphinxes in view of the exotic sight of a nomad tribe who were observing me from their tents.
Thus, at the venerated shadow of a very ancient pyramid, I, approaching it for a while, had to momentarily rest in order to patiently fix the laces of one of my sandals.
Afterwards, diligently, I searched with anxiety for the august entrance. I was longing to return to the straight path.
The Guardian, as always, was at the mysterious threshold. It was impossible to forget that hieratical figure with a bronze countenance and protruding cheekbones.
That man was a colossus… He was grasping the terrible sword in his right hand with heroism. His whole countenance was formidable and there is no doubt that he was wearing, by his own right, the Masonic Apron.
The cross-examination was very severe:
Question: “Who art thou?”
Answer: “I am a blind supplicant who comes in search of light.”
Question: “What dost thou want?”
Answer: “Light.”
(It would be very long to transcribe here, within the lines of this chapter, the whole verbal exam in question).
Afterwards, in a way that I qualify as violent, I was deprived of every metallic object, even my tunic and sandals.
What is most interesting was the moment in which this Herculean man took me by the hand in order to introduce me inside of the sanctuary. Unforgettable were those moments in which the heavy door spun upon its hinges of steel and produced that mysterious note DO from ancient Egypt.
What happened thereafter—the macabre encounter with the “terrible Brother,” the ordeals of fire, air, water and earth—can be found by any illuminated one within the memories of Nature.
I had to control myself as best I could while in the ordeal of fire, since I had to pass through a hall in flames. The floor was filled with steel beams burning with red hot living fire. The path between those rafters of ardent steel was very narrow; scarcely was there space to place the feet. In those times, many aspirants died in this venture.
I still remember with horror that steel metal ring nailed to a rock. In the depths below, only the horrifying precipice was shown tenebrously. Nonetheless, I became victorious in the ordeal of air. There, where others perished, I triumphed.
Many centuries have passed and still I cannot forget, in spite of the dust of too many years, those sacred crocodiles of the lake. If it was not for the magical conjurations, I would have been devoured by those reptiles, which always happened to other aspirants.
Innumerable unhappy ones were crunched and broken asunder by the rocks in the ordeal of earth, but I triumphed. I saw with indifference two boulders which, while closing themselves over me, were menacing my existence, menacing to reduce me into cosmic dust.
Indeed, I am nothing other than a miserable slug from the mud of the earth; yet, I became victorious.
Thus, this is how after having suffered too much, I returned to the path of the revolution of the consciousness.
I was welcomed into the Initiatic College: I was solemnly dressed with the tunic of white linen of the Priests of Isis, and the Egyptian Tau Cross was placed on my chest.
Homage to thee, oh Ra! when thou risest in heaven’s horizon as TUM (the Father), and when thou culminate in the heavens as Horus (the Innermost).
Thou art adored by me when thy beauties are before mine eyes and when thy radiant (solar) beams falleth upon my body on earth.
Thou goest forth to thy setting in thine heavenly boat (the King Star, the Sun), peace then is extended over the extensions of heaven.
Lo and behold that the sails are swollen by the blows of the wind and thine heart swelleth with joy, thus, with a swift soaring it traverses the heavens.
Thou stridest over the heavens in peace and thy foes are cast down. When travelling in their orbits, the Planetary Genii sing hymns of glory unto thee.
The Genii of the stars which never fail prostrate before thee and sing hymns of praise unto thee as thou sinkest to rest in the horizon behind the mountains of the west (because thou art the Solar Logos).
O thou who art beautiful at morn and at eve, Oh thou, Lord of Life and of the Order of the Worlds!
Homage to thee, Oh thou who art Ra, when thou risest on the horizon and when thou as TUM (the Father) settest in beauty at eve!
For indeed, thy (solar) beams are beautiful when thou shinest in thine whole splendour on the highest back of the canopy of heaven!
There is where NUT (thy Divine Mother Kundalini), who brought thee into the world, abideth.
Oh thou who art crowned King of the Gods. The Goddess NUT from the heavenly ocean, thy Mother, doeth homage unto thee.
The everlasting and never-changing order, the equilibrium of the worlds embraceth thee at morn when thou risest until the eve when thou settest. Thou stridest abroad over the heavens in thy journey (thou art the Christ-Sun).
Thine heart rejoiceth and the heavenly lake is appeased. The Demon (the Ego, the pluralized “I”) hath fallen to the ground! His arms and his hands have been hacked off, and the knife hath severed the joints, the vertebrae of his body (this is what happens when we dissolve the ego).
Ra hath a fair wind, his heavenly boat goeth forth and sailing along, bloweth by propitious winds it cometh into port. The Divinities of the south and of the north, of the west and of the east praise thee, Oh thou, Divine Substance, from whom all forms of life come into Being…!
Lo and behold, thou sendest forth the word, and the earth listens flooded with silence..!
Oh thou, Unique Divinity, (Solar Christ), who didst reign in heaven before ever the earth and the mountains came into existence…
O Runner! Oh thou, the Lord! Thou, the Unique One! Thou, the Creator of all that existeth!
In thy rising at the Dawn of ancient times, Thou hast fashioned the tongue of the company of the Divine Hierarchies (He places the word in the larynx of the Gods).
Thou hast ploughed up the beings and whatsoever cometh forth from the First Ocean (the Chaos) and thou hast sheltereth them over the flooded land of the lake of HORUS (the Innermost)…
Let me snuff the air which cometh forth from thy nostrils and the North Wind which cometh forth from thy Mother Nut (the Divine Mother Kundalini)!
Oh Ra! make thou to be sanctified my shining form, my spirit! Oh Osiris! restore thou the divine nature of my soul! Glory unto thee, Oh Lord of Gods! May thy name be glorified.
Oh thou, creator of wondrous works, shine thou with thy rays of light upon my body which reposes on the earth for all eternity.
(This is a prayer taken from The Egyptian Book of the Occult Abode).