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Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Infraconsciousness

The Infraconsciousness

Infraconscious clairvoyance is commonly qualified and known by the name of nightmares. The dream’s inebriation is in the hypnotic crepuscular state.

The dream’s inebriation has a longer duration than the hypnotic crepuscular state. The cerebral cortex intervenes notably in the dream’s inebriation, not as a cause but as vehicle of the oneiric (dream) consciousness. The reflecting acts of the oneiric consciousness are the distinct varieties of somnambulism.

An intense action of the mesencephalon exists in the hypnotic crepuscular state. This intense action is not the cause but the effect of certain short circuits from psycho-infraconscious currents. These originate psychic effects and automatic acts that are sometimes criminal.

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Subconsciousness

The Subconsciousness

When a criminal is psychogenically analyzed, the subconscious factors have to be taken into account.

These types of factors are reduced into three, namely: genotype (inheritance), phenotype (education), paratype (circumstances). The upright social conduct of any individual is the outcome of the perfect equilibrium among these three factors. When a disequilibrium among these three factors exists, then the outcome is crime.

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Supraconsciousness

The Supraconsciousness

The most elevated type of clairvoyance that exists in the universe is the supraconsciousness. All the avatars or messengers from the superior worlds have been supraconscious clairvoyants. Hermes Trismegistus, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc., are supraconscious beings, messengers of the superior worlds, initiators of new eras of historic evolution.

Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition are the three obligatory steps of the Initiation. We are going to examine each one of these three steps separately.

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Krishnamurti Case

The Krishnamurti Case

Image A great conflict occurred inside the Theosophical Society during those times when Annie Besant was occupying the presidency of this marvelous organization, whose founder was the great Initiate Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

The problem that presented itself was the Krishnamurti case.

Lady Besant lifted her finger aloft in order to asseverate to the four winds that the Hindu boy Krishnamurti was the living reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Basis of Endocrinology and Criminology: The Alienated Ones

The Alienated Ones

It is impossible to know the fundamental cause of any mental disequilibrium without expanding psychiatry with Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, yogic philosophy, and high Gnostic esotericism.

This is how the expanded psychiatry can discover and cure the alienated ones.

We knew the case of a young woman who fell into a state of furious madness. This young lady was interned for six months in a mental health center. There, she was submitted to the classic medical treatments with the famous electric shocks, diet, etc. Nonetheless, everything was a complete and absolute failure.