The Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is situated in the posterior part of the brain. This small gland is only five millimeters in diameter. A very important, fine, sand-like tissue surrounds it. The pineal gland is a small tissue of a red-grayish color. This small gland is intimately related with the sexual organs. The pineal gland secretes certain hormones that regulate the whole process of evolution and the development of the sexual organs.
Conventional science assures that after these hormones have achieved their purpose, then this gland degenerates into a fibrous tissue. They state that after the total development of the sexual organs, the pineal gland is no longer capable of secreting any hormones.
The Pituitary Gland
The pituitary gland is very small. Biology affirms that this gland is just the size of a pea and that it marvelously hangs from the very base of the brain and harmoniously rests over the sphenoid bone.
We find a marvelous trinity related with this gland. The law of the triangle rules everything created.
Indeed, three parts, two lobes and a middle, form the pituitary gland. Behold, here is the triangle, marvelous law of all creation.
The Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland is of a beautiful dark red color. The thyroid has two lobes that the endocrinologists know very well. The biologists are amazed when observing these two beautiful lobes wisely united by a wonderful isthmus. Behold here the perfect triangle.
The two lobes of the thyroid gland are found situated exactly at each side of the Adam’s apple.
The thyroid gland is vulnerable to two fundamental sicknesses: hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism; the first one is characterized by too much secretion, the second by too little secretion. Hyperthyroidism can be cured by surgery. Hypothyroidism cannot in any way be cured by surgery. Hypothyroidism is only possible to cure when the patient is given thyroxine (a principle of secretion of the thyroid gland). In reality, thyroxine is an iodine compound that is very important in medicine. Thyroxine is intimately related with all the metabolism of the physical body.
The Parathyroid Glands
The parathyroid glands should never be removed, because it has been proven that terrible convulsions and inevitable death can occur.
In a very amazing, knowledgeable way the two pairs of parathyroid glands normally regulate all the calcium values that are abundant in the cells and blood. The secretions of the four wonderful parathyroid glands have to carry out the whole labor of calcium control in the cells and the blood. This difficult job is possible thanks to the secretions of the four parathyroid glands.
The Thymus Gland
When the human being passes beyond sexual maturity, the thymus gland enters into decrepitude. This has already been proven.
The thymus gland is located at the very base of the neck.
The thymus gland has a very irregular form and structure.
This gland is intimately related to the mammary glands. Now we can explain to ourselves why the maternal milk is totally irreplaceable.
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