Intellectual Criminology
Intellectual criminology is so profound and complex that we would need millions of volumes in order to study this single subject; therefore, we will touch on a few points only.
Intellectual criminology is found in books, magazines, bull fighting arenas, movie theaters, pamphlets, etc., etc.
Pornographic magazines that prostitute the minds of male and female youngsters exist in different countries.
When a pornographic representation reaches the mind, the unconsciousness traps that representation and elaborates its conceptual content.
The conceptual content elaborated by the unconsciousness is the exact outcome of the quality of the representation.
The psychological “I” traps that representation within the depths of the unconsciousness of the mind and elaborates its conceptual content with it.
The conceptual content is translated as semi-conscious images within the world of the cosmic mind. These are the effigies of the Mental World.
The psychological “I” fornicates and commits adultery with those images within the plane of the cosmic mind.
This is what the prostitution of the mind is.
Nocturnal pollutions (wet dreams) are the morbid outcome of the prostitution of the mind.
There are also magazines for the failures. In the magazines for the failures, women announce themselves. They solicit for a husband who is short, fat, skinny, with money, etc., etc. Many young ladies are following that ultramodern example. This is what mental prostitution is.
The outcome of this mental prostitution is critical. The interchange of letters begins. They start falling in love with someone whom they do not know and they start projecting plans. Yet, in the end, on the day when the couples encounter, failure is the inevitable outcome.
Ladies who have never been prostitutes—honorable and distinguished young ladies—allow themselves to be cheated by modernism and fall into the crime of mental prostitution.
If a clairvoyant were to study in the Mental Plane the announcements of love of all of those magazines, he then will see houses of prostitution. Each announcement of love corresponds within the Mental World to a horrible mental bedroom of a whorehouse.
Every clairvoyant is astonished when seeing those whorehouses from the Mental Plane.
A prostitute, lying down, is found within each bedroom of those horrible dens.
Men enter and leave from those bedrooms.
Each announcement of the magazine corresponds to one of those bedrooms.
The woman who placed the announcement is lying down in her bedroom.
This is what the prostitution of the Mental Plane is.
True love has nothing to do with those whorehouses of the Mental Plane.
Thousands of young and distinguished ladies are perverting themselves with those types of magazines.
True love begins always with a flash of delectable sympathy. It is substantiated with the force of tenderness and it is synthesized in infinite supreme adoration.
True love is natural, without artifices, as the love of birds, as the love of the fish of the immense sea, as the love of the savage creature from the impenetrable jungle.
Another intellectual crime is “bull fighting.”
The first critical symptoms are shown among those women who in their emotional climax hurl even their intimate underwear or pantyhose to the Torero.
It is ludicrous to see women’s shoes or any type of dressing garments falling down into the arena.
Those women look insane.
Violent emotion causes transitory mental disturbances. The violent emotion is a function of the instinctive “I.”
Antisocial and highly criminal acts are the outcome of violent emotions. Violent emotions originate instantaneous psychic traumas.
The violent sensation transmitted by the Torero, the bullfighter, produce internal criminal reflexes within the depths of the mind.
The mental criminal reflexes evolve within the psychobiological field of the human infraconsciousness.
Internal criminal reflexes that evolve within the field of the infraconsciousness are the secret causes of criminal sadism.
There are three types of emotions: light, optima, and puissant.
The first one does not achieve the total alteration of the mind.
The second one places the sensual imagination into activity, inhibiting intellectual analysis. This is when we see the hysteric-emotive episodes, as those from the black masses of the Middle Ages. The hysteric-emotive episodes from bull fighting arenas and those from black masses during the Middle Ages are similar.
We find shouts without control in both cases; women hurl their dressing garments, intellectual analysis disappears, etc.
The third type, puissant emotion, annuls any type of reasoning and the victim falls into the state of coma or stupor.
Many times, within the bull fighting arenas, some very sensible people fall unconscious, senseless. During the black masses, many women with an evolving epileptic type of emotion, extremely hyper-emotive, fall on the floor senseless with epileptic convulsions. Then, everybody is satisfied, because they consider these women to be possessed by the devil.
We believe that people who are mediums are easily obsessed by hyper-sensible microbes: astral larvae, incubi, elementals, and every type of inferior entity of the Astral Plane.
Mental disturbances of traumatic origin are the fatal outcome of violent emotions.
Bull fighting arenas have their origin in Pagan Rome.
Later, those barbarian circuses planted their roots in Spain.
It is lamentable that such a sad spectacle had been transplanted to Latin America.
Animal protection societies should fight against those types of bloody spectacles.
The fault of this type of spectacle falls upon the Roman Catholic Church one hundred percent. That Roman Sect is the intellectual author of that criminal spectacle, because that sect is the one that denied onto the animals the legitimate right of having an immortal soul.
The Torero believes that the animal has no soul. This is why they stab the picks within the afflicted flesh of the innocent victim without ever feeling charity or mercy.
The Torero is an executioner of innocents.
The Torero is worse than the sanguinary tiger of Bengal, because the Torero does not kill by a savage instinct of self-defense nor to satiate his hunger.
The Torero kills innocent animals in order to entertain the multitudes, who are avid and thirsty for blood and pleasure. The Torero is similar to the Roman Gladiator who after impaling the heart of his victim exclaimed, “Hail, Caesar!”
The word “animal” comes from the word anima (Soul). The word anima remains just by taking the letter “L” from the word “animal.”
The animal is an anima. The anima of the animal is an innocent and beautiful elemental.
Every atom is a trio of matter, energy and consciousness.
The consciousness of every atom is always an intelligent elemental.
If the materialists are not capable of seeing those elementals, it is because they still do not know the scientific procedures that allow us to see them.
We have special methods in order to see those creatures.
Indeed, the atom is a truly infinitely small planetary system.
Those planetary systems of the atoms are formed by ultra-atomic ternaries that spin around their centers of gravitation.
The atom with its Alpha, Beta, and Gamma rays is a trio of matter, energy and consciousness.
The monistic doctrine of the Haeckelian materialist states that force and matter are the same thing. The materialist Haeckel asseverates that consciousness is latent in everything that exists and “he states” that we must search for it within our brain cells.
We, the Gnostics, go further beyond, because we know Occult Anatomy and the Astral Body.
The Cosmic Consciousness reflects itself in the whole panorama of the universe.
We know that Cosmic Consciousness exerts upon force and that the latter acts upon matter.
The coordinates of every biologic, physiologic, atomic, etc. phenomena are intelligent. Every directive intelligence is conscious.
We cannot admit biomechanical phenomena without conscious coordinates.
You can be sure that the fanatic, conservative, and retarded materialist dogmatically rejects the former affirmations.
The psychological trauma of the fanatics of dialectic materialism is reactionary.
The organism of the animal is a synthesis of matter, energy, and consciousness.
The animal consciousness is an intelligent elemental.
The mineral, plant, animal, and human being have soul.
That soul is the Cosmic Consciousness. Only one soul exists; this is the Cosmic Consciousness. That is the Anima Mundi of Plato. The Great Consciousness is co-essential with Abstract Absolute Space.
You can call that great consciousness God, Allah, Parabrahman or whatever you like; in the end it does not matter a bit.
What is important is to comprehend the reality of the Great Consciousness.
Human words are smoke that cloud the starry heaven of the Spirit.
What is important is the Great Reality.
The Torero who assassinates the unhappy beast commits a horrible crime against the great universal fraternity.
We, all beings, are one within the universal Spirit of Life.
The hunter who kills his minor brothers (the animals) commits also the cowardly crime of fratricide.
The boxer who punches his brother in order to entertain the multitudes is also a fratricide.
The wrestling fighters, boxers, the toreros, the sly and perverse hunters, etc., are assassins.
The intellectual author of all of those crimes is the Catholic religion.