Arcanum 4
AUM. The Arcanum Four of the Tarot is the holy and mysterious Tetragrammaton, the sacred name of the Eternal One that has four letters: יהוה [Iod, Hei, Vav, Hei].
Arcanum 5
Beloved brothers and sisters of my soul, today we are going to study the Fifth Arcanum of the Tarot. This Arcanum is the flaming pentagram, the blazing star, the sign of divine omnipotence. This is the ineffable symbol of the Word made flesh, the terrifying star of the Magi.
When the pentagram elevates its two inferior rays towards the sky it represents Satan.
When the pentagram becomes light, it elevates only one of its rays towards the sky; this represents the internal Christ of every human being who comes into this world.
Arcanum 6
Beloved brothers and sisters of my soul: we are now going to study the Sixth Arcanum of the Tarot.
Beloved, remember that indeed without any doubt, the two interlaced triangles of the Seal of Solomon [✡], which join or separate love, are the two shuttles with which the ineffable mystery of eternal life in the loom of God is woven or unwoven. The upper triangle symbolizes Kether (the Father who is in secret), Chokmah (the Son), and Binah (the Holy Spirit of each human being). The lower triangle represents the three traitors of Hiram Abiff; those three traitors are inside of us. The first traitor is the Demon of Desire; that traitor lives within the Astral Body. The second traitor is the Demon of the Mind; that traitor lives within the Mental Body. The third traitor is the Demon of Evil Will; that traitor lives within the Body of Willpower (Causal Body). The Bible cites these three traitors in the Apocalypse of Saint John in Revelation 16:13, 14:
Arcanum 7
Remember that the number seven represents magical power in all of its strength.
The Holy Seven is the Sanctum Regnum of Sexual Magic; the number seven is the Innermost served by all of the elemental forces of Nature.
Arcanum 8
Let us study in this lecture the Eighth Key of Basil Valentine, an illustration of the Viridarium Chymicum.
The Eighth Key is a clear and perfect alchemical allegory of the processes of death and resurrection that inevitably occur in the esoteric preparation of the Philosophical Stone.
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