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Gazing at the mistery: Psychic Materializations

Psychic Materializations

Question: One time, when I was seven years old, I dreamed of a church in a little town, where, very close to it, there was a circus, a fair, and commercial shops where typical items from that place were sold. I clearly saw everything, to the degree that I remember talking with a lady dressed in red; afterwards, I moved through the people and left the place. Five years later, I visited that town, and I saw the scene exactly as I dreamt it; I was aware of it even until the lady dressed in red talked to me. I was astonished that after that length of time, everything happened to me in the same way that I had dreamt. Master, could you tell me what is the cause of this type of phenomena?

Gazing at the mistery: Cases of the Unexpected

Cases of the Unexpected

Question: When I was a child, I heard stories from my parents and relatives about the very well-known “llorona” (weeper). She manifested herself periodically during the night to men who were crossing through flatlands or solitary places. These men were seduced by a beautiful woman who by crossing in their way, incited them to love her. Yet, when they responded with their love for her, she uttered a very loud boisterous laughter, followed by a very bitter weeping that chilled the blood. Thus, she disappeared as a white veil within the shadows of the night. Master, could you explain this manifestation, which is known in many different places or countries?

Gazing at the mistery: Rocks or Something Else?

Rocks or Something Else?

Question: A long time ago, in the house in the little town where we lived, we saw many rare phenomena, such as the following. Many kinds of supplies were distributed in this house, due to the fact that it was a kind of town store where could be found just about anything, and where the supplies were given in credit to the poor people who could not pay daily their expenditures. They were given some value tickets which supposedly they should pay every week. However, due to the fact that the majority of the men drank too much alcohol, they were drinking at the expense of the money that they earned, thus causing great dramas to their families, since in many of the cases they owed payments of many weeks. One of the debtors, who deliberately denied paying, had the reputation of practicing witchcraft and who on some occasions boasted about it. The fact is that he threatened them, saying not to ask him any more about his debt, otherwise they would regret it.

Gazing at the mistery: Astral Projection

Astral Projection

My friends, it is important for you to comprehend the necessity of learning how to leave the physical body at will. I want you to understand that the physical body is a house within which we must not be as prisoners. It is indispensable to enter into the region of the dead at will, to visit the celestial regions, to know other worlds of the infinite space.

Outside of the physical body, one can give himself the luxury of invoking beloved relatives who already passed through the doors of death. They will answer our call, then we can personally chat with them. There are necromantic magicians who know how to invoke the deceased ones in order to make them visible and tangible in this physical world. Nonetheless, we prefer to enter the region where they live and visit them in order to know how their situation is, etc.

Gazing at the mistery: The Blue Men

Blue Humans

Question: We find in a magazine that was in circulation in Distrito Federal (Mexico), the following narrative:

“In 1960, based on the narratives of the Egyptian historian Maneton and of the Greek Herodotus, a Soviet scientific magazine discussed a race of blue humans, and also informed about the enigma of Atlantis and the arrival of extraterrestrial beings.”