Extraction of the Mercury
1. The feminine Mercury is extracted from the Moon's lime.
2. It is necessary to learn how to control the feminine sexual forces of the Sun, which are symbolized by an eagle with a woman's head.
3. It is necessary to learn how to handle the Moon's lime, in order to extract the crude Mercury, the feminine Mercury.
4. The Moon's lime, when soaked in oil of pure gold, dries with the heat of the Sun, in order for it to be transmuted within the matrass of our sexual laboratory.
5. The Moon's lime, the feminine sexual principles of the Moon, must be wisely transmuted in our biogenetic laboratory.
6. The Moon's lime must be placed in a well-baked earthen vessel.
7. This vessel or receptacle is our own sexual glands.
8. We must add Vitriol and saltpeter to the Moon's lime, and incessantly stir it with a stick or a spade until the crude Mercury is extracted from the Moon's lime. This is the feminine Mercury that we need in order to work in the Great Work.
9. The two Mercuries, masculine and feminine, engender the sacred fire.
10. When the two serpents that are entwined in the Caduceus of Mercury make contact in the Triveni, in the region of the sacrum, they engender the sacred fire.
11. However, it is necessary to extract the feminine Mercury from the Moon's lime in order for it to rise through the left ganglionic cord.
12. Finally, the two Mercuries, the two serpents of the Caduceus of Mercury, attach to each other with their tails in order for the Kundalini to awaken.
13. It is necessary to add water to the receptacle in order for it to boil incessantly.
14. This water is first black, then red, then white, and then various colors.
15. It is the universal chameleon, the phoenix bird resurrecting from its own ashes. It is the salamander that survives in the fire.
16. During sexual contact, we extract the feminine Mercury from the Moon's lime—that is to say, we extract the hormones of sexual absorption, which we need for the sacred work of our blessed stone.
17. In the common and current human being, the right serpent ascends while the left serpent descends towards the human being's own atomic infernos, for his passionate satisfaction.
18. It is necessary to extract the Mercury from the Moon's lime in order to make the fallen lunar serpent rise. Thus, we prepare the two serpents of the Caduceus of Mercury for the advent of the fire.
19. It is necessary to raise the fallen serpent.
20. The Caduceus of Mercury has two serpents.
21. One is entwined with the head upwards and the other is entwined with the head downwards.
22. According to ancient Kabbalists, one is Obd and the other is Ob.
23. The serpent with its head upwards is solar and masculine.
24. The serpent with its head downwards is lunar.
25. It is necessary to raise the fallen serpent.
26. The two serpents were raised upon the reed before the human being departed from Eden. However, when the human being departed from Paradise, Lord Jehovah said to the serpent:
27. "Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." - Genesis 3:14
28. This lunar serpent, this fallen serpent, this passionate serpent, must be raised upon the reed in order to ignite the fire.
29. We must learn to control these feminine principles in order to achieve the birth of the Child of Gold of sexual alchemy.
30. We must fight against animal passion (the lunar serpent) and bruise its heel, because it has bruised our head.
31. We must fight against the victorious beast.
32. We must extract the crude Mercury from the Moon's lime in order to raise the fallen serpent.
33. Angels have the two polarities of their sexual energy, masculine and feminine, flowing upward towards their head.
34. Human beings have their sexual energy divided. While the solar, masculine, positive current ascends, the lunar, feminine, negative sexual current descends.
35. It is necessary to raise the negative pole of our sexual force.
36. This is what is known as the extraction of the crude Mercury from the Moon's lime.
37. The two serpents must flow upwardly towards the head, just as the Angels.