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The Three Mountains: The Third Initiation of Fire

The Third Initiation of Fire

Unquestionably, death is something profoundly significant. Certainly, it is urgent and undeferable to go deeply into this theme, to go profoundly into it and into all of the levels of the mind with infinite patience, integrity, and sincerity.

As a luminous consequence or corollary, we can and must affirm with solemnity the following postulate: “We can discover the origin of life only by totally discovering the mysteries of death.”

If the seed does not die, the plant is not born. Death and conception are intimately associated.

The Three Mountains: The Fourth Initiation of Fire

The Fourth Initiation of Fire

The pitiful rational homunculus mistakenly denominated “human being” is similar to any fatal ship boarded with many leftist, tenebrous passengers (I am referring to the “I’s”). 

Unquestionably, each one of these particular “I’s” has its own mind, ideas, concepts, opinions, emotions, etc.

Obviously, we are full of infinite psychological contradictions. If we could fully see ourselves internally in front of a mirror, as we are, we would be horrified with ourselves.

The type of mind that at any given moment is being expressed in us through the diverse functionalisms of the brain depends exclusively on the quality of the “I” in action (see chapter III, the section entitled The Ego).

The Three Mountains: The Fifth Initiation of Fire

The Fifth Initiation of Fire

With great solemnity yet without much pomposity, we asseverate the tremendous, palpable, and evident reality of three specific types of action:

  • a. Actions based on the law of accidents.
  • b. Actions based on the eternal laws of return and recurrence.
  • c. Marvelous actions born from conscious will.

The foundation of the first type of action is certainly the natural mechanics of the order of this system of Nature.

The Three Mountains: A Supra-sensible Adventure

A Supra-sensible Adventure

While conversing in a forest of mystery, we three errant friends slowly, slowly, slowly arrived before a sacred mount.

Without even a bit of fear, we were witnesses of something unusual and unexpected. To narrate this for the good of our beloved readers is urgent.

Suddenly, an unpolluted millenary rock opened in this rocky place as if it had been divided into two exactly equal pieces, which left us astonished and perplexed...

The Three Mountains: Persecutions


Patiently, I had to recapitulate the diverse, esoteric, initiatic processes of the third, fourth, and fifth Initiations of Fire, in theflowing tropical region of the Sierra Nevada, at the shore of “Macuriba” or the “Caribbean Sea.”

Austerely, I was living there with a certain very select group of Gnostic students, very far away from many foolish, simpleton dimwits of vain intellectualism...

These honest and irreproachable anchorite Gnostics had gratefully built for me a simple abode with wood from those forests...