Patiently, I had to recapitulate the diverse, esoteric, initiatic processes of the third, fourth, and fifth Initiations of Fire, in theflowing tropical region of the Sierra Nevada, at the shore of “Macuriba” or the “Caribbean Sea.”
Austerely, I was living there with a certain very select group of Gnostic students, very far away from many foolish, simpleton dimwits of vain intellectualism...
These honest and irreproachable anchorite Gnostics had gratefully built for me a simple abode with wood from those forests...
Now, I want to evoke at least for a moment, all of those illustrious respectable men, some of whom in these instants (1972) distinguish themselves as notable international missionaries... From this ancient Mexican land of mine, I salute you, most illustrious gentlemen of the South American Sierra Nevada!... As well, I want to include their wives and children and the children of their children within these salutations of mine...
How joyfully I abode in that wooded shelter of the profound forest, far away from the mundane clamor!...
Then, I returned into the elemental paradises of nature, and the princes of fire, air, water, and of the perfumed earth delivered their secrets unto me...
On a given day (which one does not matter), some of those cenobites from universal Gnosticism eagerly knocked at the door of my abode in order to beg me to extinguish a fire. The incessant crackling of the igneous element was advancing terribly through the thick umbria, incinerating everything that it found in its way... The frightful cremation was threatening their work, farms, and cabins. Ditches and canals for the purpose of stopping the triumphal march of the fire were built in vain.
The igneous element was ardently passing every pit and brook, inclemently threatening all of the neighborhoods, surroundings, environs, and borders...
Obviously, I was never a fireman or “smoke-swallower,” as these heroic public servants are pleasantly nicknamed... However, frankly and plainly speaking, I confess that in those instants the fate of all of those Gnostic brothers was in my hands. What to do?
I longed to help them in the best possible way, and this was without a doubt one of the best opportunities... It would have been unspeakable, absurd, and even ungrateful to deny that urgent help.
Karma is paid not only for the evil that is done, but also for the good that could be done, yet is left undone.
Therefore I decided to operate magically: after marching by foot towards the titanic bonfire, I seated myself very close to it; then I concentrated myself on my Innermost...
By secretly praying, I beseeched my Innermost to invoke Agni, the prodigious and illustrious god of fire...
My Innermost heard my supplication, and with a loud voice, as when a lion roars, called Agni, and seven thunders uttered their voices...
Promptly, the brilliant lord of fire, the resplendent son of the flame, the omni-merciful, came to my side... I felt him in the whole presence of my Being. I begged him in the name of the “universal charity” to dissipate that fire... Clearly, the Blessed Lord of Perfection considered that my request was just and perfect...
In an unexpected way, a soft perfumed breeze surged from within the mysterious blue of the profound boscage which totally modified the character of those tongues of fire. Then the bonfire dissipated...
Another day, when conversing with the Gnostic cenobites in a very beautiful clearing of the dense wooded forest, very close to their cabins, we were suddenly threatened by a torrential rainstorm...
Longing, I concentrated on the Innermost, intensely praying and asking him to invoke Paralda, the elemental genie of the excitable Sylphs of the air. That deva olympically arrived with the evident purpose of helping me. I took advantage of such a magnificent opportunity that was offered to me, and I begged Paralda to push the stormy clouds away from those surroundings...
Unquestionably, these clouds opened over our heads in the form of a circle. Then after, they left before the astonished mystics of that corner of love...
In those times, the Gnostic brothers and sisters travelled weekly to the sandy beaches of the tempestuous ocean...
Litelantes requested those sincere penitents to bring us fish, and even vegetables and fruits, which in the Sierra Nevada are impossible to cultivate due to the wild hunger of the implacable ants... These devolving creatures insatiably devoured flowers, fruits, and vegetables, and certainly nothing could stop them. Such is the voraciousness of the jungle. This is well-known by the divine and humans. The nocturnal rounds of the “tambochas,” or ants, are certainly frightful...
Venomous snakes such as the dreaded “talla X,” and others known since ancient times by the classical names of rattlesnake, coral, and mapana, frightfully thrive here, there, and everywhere.
Still, I remember an old curandero (healer) of the mountain called Juan. This respectable man dwelt with his wife in the most profound part of the forest...
Like the good Samaritan of the Old Testament, this man healed the humble mountaineers bitten by the vipers with his precious balms...
Unfortunately, that man hated snakes and was implacably and revengefully killing them without any consideration...
“My friend Juan,” I told him one day. “You are at war against the vipers, and they are prepared to defend themselves. We will see who is going to win the battle...”
“I hate snakes...”
“It would be better if you loved them. Remember that snakes are clairvoyant. In the astral aura of those creatures, the marvelous zodiac resplendently shines, and they know by direct experience who truly loves them and who truly abhors them...”
“I cannot love them... It feels like my body loses its temper when I look at them... I will kill any snake that crosses my path.”
“Oh, good elder! Twelve serpents have bitten you, and when the thirteenth hurts you, you will die.”
A little later on, close to his solitary cabin, the old man was bitten by an awaiting, dreaded, hidden snake, which was entwined three and a half times.
My prophecy was fulfilled. The old curandero died by the Thirteenth Arcanum of the Kabbalah. None of his friends could find the venomous serpent...
The elder medic always carried within his sack some marvelous plants. Let us remember the five captain plants:
- Captain Solabasta
- Captain Generala
- Captain Silvadora
- Captain Pujadora
- Captain Tongue of Deer
These miraculous plants are not classified by botany and are only known in the Sierra Nevada, close to the tempestuous waters of Macuriba. They are extraordinary plants with which the old curandero from the solitary forest healed the victims of the serpents.
There is no doubt that this old man therapeutically used them in a very wise way. He administered them in oral form, as a tea or hot beverage, or in an external form by washing the wound or wounds with the concoction of such plants.
The Gnostic hermits of the Sierra Nevada never killed the dangerous vipers. They learned to love them sincerely.
As a consequence of this procedure, they won the trust of the dreadful serpents. Then, those venomous serpents were converted into guardians of the temple...
When these anchorites from the mountain wanted to push aside the serpents, filled with faith, they sang the following mantras:
Osi... Osoa... Asi...
Every time these hermits truly longed to magically enchant the terrible snakes, they pronounced the mysterious words: “Osi..... Osoa..... Asi...”
Never would any mystic of that mountain take the life of a serpent! These cenobites learned to respect every existence... However, there were some exceptions, as in the case of the precious rattlesnake...
In the name of truth, I want to leave the following enunciation in this book:
The infallible remedy against the dreaded cancer is already discovered, and it is found in the rattlesnake!
The rescuing formula:
The cited animal must be sacrificed. The rattles and the head must be eliminated (these parts are useless).
The available dry meat must be ground to a fine powder.
Pour this substance into empty capsules, which are very easy to find in any pharmacy...
Dosage: Take one capsule each hour.
Observation: Continue with this treatment until being radically healed.
Warning: The sick person must radically eliminate any medicine, and exclusively limit himself to the treatment with the rattlesnake.
Sparrow Hawks
Wild reminiscences, memories of the mountain, savage evocations surge forth from within my mind in these instants...
How much these penitents suffered because of these cruel birds of prey...! The sly sparrow hawks desolated the poultry yards and took chickens and hens in their claws...
Many times I saw those large, bloody, ugly birds lodged on the branches of the neighboring trees leering at their defenseless victims...
To swallow and to be swallowed, that is the law of the “Cosmic Common Trogoautoegocrat,” or reciprocal nourishment of all organisms.
Unquestionably, such reciprocity, correspondence, or mutuality intimately comes from the active, omnipresent “Okidanock.”
How happy we were, abiding in our cabins of the solitary forest! Unfortunately, new persecutions came...
Profane people from the neighboring towns were busy with their duty (certainly, not a very beautiful duty) of propagating defamatory slander against us...
The gossip of the women, the falsehood of the men, the chatter, the rumors, the annoyance, assumed monstrous figures, and tempests were released...
Unquestionably, I was transformed into the central personage of the drama, the one who received all types of lashing, stoning, shooting...
Each day, the order of things went from bad to worse, and finally the stool pigeon, the accuser, the talebearer, the denouncer surged forth...
Certainly, I was not a simple instigator or agitator of people in the style of Paul of Tarsus for these wretched gendarmes, but something worse: a sorcerer of the Averno escaped from a mysterious Witches’ Sabbath, a large ugly bird of evil omen, a monster that indispensably must be incarcerated or killed...
One starry night, when in the state of ecstasy, I was visited by a mahatma who when taking the floor said, “Many armed people come in search of you; you must go another way.”
It is good to asseverate with great emphasis that I always know how to obey the orders of the universal White Fraternity...
By taking advantage of the nocturnal silence, I descended from the mountain by an abrupt and difficult path, on “El Plan,” as the Gnostic hermits denominated the coastal lands. When I was out of the Sierra Nevada, I was taken by the venerable Master Gargha Kuichines. He transported us in his car to a beautiful city.