Abuse of Sex
On this Christmas 1965-1966, it is urgent for us to comprehend in an integral manner the necessity of liberating ourselves from this world of 48 laws in which we live, if what we want is to not degenerate and fall into the horrifying world of 96 laws. Indeed, the study of the 48 laws in which we live is a very profound study. If we want to liberate ourselves from the 48 laws, then we must study these laws within ourselves.
In the beginning, we comprehend that we are controlled by innumerable laws that were created by ourselves and by the people who surround us. Later we will comprehend that we are enslaved by these laws. Thus, when we began to liberate ourselves from all of those boring laws created by society, it is clear that our fellowmen become our enemies, because of the fact that we no longer coincide with them in regard to their mistaken manner of thinking, feeling, and acting.
The revolution of the consciousness is terrifying; this is why it is instinctually mortally hated by our fellowmen, since they do not know it. To make the sexual energy return inwardly and upwardly, to dissolve the “I,” and to give our life for the sake of others, is something strange and exotic for the goat kids who are as numerous as the sands of the sea, and who live amongst us. Yes, the revolution of the consciousness is impossible for the abusers of sex. Surely, goat-skinned people are not willing to leave their sexual abuses.
The human machine has seven centers—five inferior and two superior—which seems likely to be unsuspected by people. Let us study the five inferior centers: the intellectual center is the first, the emotional center is the second, the center of movement is the third, the instinctual center is the fourth, and the sexual center is the fifth.
Undoubtedly, it is certain that sex is the center of gravity of all human activities. Moved by sex, people go to church; moved by sex, they meet at the café; moved by sex, they dance. When a man finds his woman companion and they sexually unite, then society has begun.
The mechanicity of sex is frightening; regrettably, the intellectual animal does not want to comprehend it. When we acquire cognizance of sex and its functions, when we practice Maithuna (Sexual Magic), then that mechanicity disappears and we begin to tread the path of sexual regeneration.
Sex has the great power to enslave and the great power to liberate totally.
The new birth—about which Jesus spoke unto Nicodemus—depends totally upon sex. The internal Angel must be born from sex, and we can achieve this only by means of Maithuna—yes, if we yearn for a true Nativity, then we need the God Child of Bethlehem to be born within us, and this is only possible with Maithuna.
Sex works with and produces the marvelous Hydrogen Ti-12: it is seed, the seed within which the Internal Angel abides in a latent state. We already explained that with the transmutation of Hydrogen Ti-12 we can build the true Astral Body, the true Mental Body, and the legitimate Causal Body; in our former messages we have spoken very clearly about this. No abuser of sex will be able to build the Existential Bodies of the Being, thus this is why after physical death those wretched individuals continue to exist with lunar vehicles. Listen: only when we build the Solar Bodies—the existential, superior bodies of the Being—can we then liberate ourselves from the 48 laws.
There is abuse of sex when sexual energy acts through the other centers of the human machine, or when the energy of the other centers acts through the sexual center. Each center of the human machine should work with its own energy, but regrettably the other centers of the human machine steal the energy of sex. There is abuse of sex when the intellectual, emotional, motion, or instinctual centers steal sexual energy. What is most serious of all of this is that in like manner, in order to be able to work, the sexual center steals energy from the other centers; all of this is abuse of sex.
When the sexual center works with its own Hydrogen Ti-12, then it can be transmuted in order to build the existential bodies of the Being. Regrettably, people abuse sexual energy. People take pleasure in disorder and in the squandering of Hydrogen Ti-12.
To discover people’s abuse of sex is easy, since when there is abuse of sex, the intellect, emotion, movement, and instinct have a certain special “flavor,” a certain unmistakable nuance, a certain passion, a certain vehemence that leaves no room for doubt. This can be seen in all of the mental tactics of those gentlemen of war, in bullfights, in the passionate efforts of soccer players during the Olympic Games, in the violent, passional instincts of people. Everywhere there is squandering of diabolic intellect, violent emotions, passional movements, passional races of cars, horses, bicycles, Olympic games, etc., likewise beastly instinctual actions. It is clear that in all of this is abuse of sex.
The most critical of all of this abuse is that the sexual center is forced to work with heavier hydrogens that correspond to the other centers. When the sexual center is forced to work with Hydrogens like 24, 48, etc., then it is impossible to build the superior, existential bodies of the Being.
Those who enjoy watching pornographic films, novels, and paintings utilize the sexual energy through the thinking center, and it is clear that they hang about with the tendency of satisfying themselves solely with that sexual fantasy, and sooner or later acquire the psycho-sexual type of impotence, which is the impotence of those who lamentably fail when they really are going to perform the sexual act.
When the emotional center steals the sexual energy, then emerge stupid sentimentalities, jealousy, cruelty, etc.
When the center of movement works with the Hydrogen Ti-12 stolen from sex, then the abusers of the center of movement appear, like football players, circus acrobats, cyclists of great races, etc.
When the instinctual center steals the sexual energy, then there is instinctual, passional squandering through violent acts.
Indeed, abuse of sex ends when we establish a “permanent center of gravity” within ourselves.
We have already stated—and now we repeat again—that the “I” is a legion of devils. Yes, the “I” exists in a pluralized manner. The five cylinders of the human machine originate and empower all of those little legions of “I’s” that in their conjunction constitute that which is called ego, the “I”, the Self-willed. The pluralized “I” clumsily squanders the Essence that we carry within, which we need in order to build Soul. So, when we dissolve the pluralized “I,” then the squanderer is terminated, the Essence is accumulated within us, and becomes a permanent center of gravity. When we establish within ourselves a permanent center of gravity, then sex works with its own energy, with its own Hydrogen, the Hydrogen Ti-12. Gnostic esotericism teaches that when the sexual center works with its own energy, with its own Hydrogen, then abuse of sex ceases, because then each center works with the energy that corresponds to it, with the Hydrogen that corresponds to it, and not with the Hydrogen Ti-12 stolen from sex.
If we want to end the abuse of sex, then it is necessary to dissolve the “I.” In the past, many initiates partially dissolved the “I,” and thanks to this they were able to build the superior, existential bodies of the Being. Regrettably, they soon forgot the necessity of totally disintegrating their “I” in a radical manner. The outcome of that negligence was a renewed strengthening of their pluralized “I.” Those types of initiates were transformed into hasnamussen with a “double center of gravity.” In the internal worlds, these types of subjects have a double personality: one white and the other black. For example: Andrameleck. When we invoke this magician in the Molecular World, either a great Adept from the White Lodge or a great Adept from the Black Lodge can attend our call; they are two Adepts, and nevertheless one, same individual. Andrameleck is a hasnamuss with double center of gravity; he is simultaneously a black and a white magician.
Whosoever does not want to truly suffer the horrible fate of Andrameleck has to intensively work with the three basic factors of the revolution of the consciousness. Whosoever wants to become liberated from the 48 laws must finish with the abuse of sex. Whosoever wants to finish with the abuse of sex must annihilate the “I,” reduce it to dust. It is urgent to establish a complete equilibrium of all five centers of the human machine, and this is only possible by dissolving the “I.”