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Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: On Dreams

On Dreams

Gnosis teaches that the modern, decadent psychology of the western hemisphere is ignorant of the various kinds of dreams that exist.

Unquestionably, dreams have a diverse and specific quality for they are closely related to each of the psychic centers of the human body.

In fact, we do not exaggerate when we state that most dreams are found linked to the motor-instinctual center. That is, they are the echoes of everything we see during the day: simple sensations and motions—a mere astral repetition of our daily life.

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: Dream Yoga Discipline

Dream Yoga Discipline

Those candidates who sincerely long for a mystical, direct experience must unquestionably begin with the dream yoga discipline.

The Gnostic must be very demanding with himself and learn to create favorable conditions to remember and understand all those inner experiences that always occur during sleep.

Before retiring to our bed at the end of our daily routine, it is advisable to pay attention to the state we are in.

Devotees whose circumstances make them lead a sedentary life will gain a lot if before going to bed they have a short but very lively walk outdoors. A walk will relax the muscles.

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: Tantric Dream

Tantric Dream

Undoubtedly, to review our pad or notebook every month in order to verify the gradual progression of our dream memory is appropriate.  

Any possibility of forgetting a dream must be eliminated. We cannot continue further with practices unless we have achieved perfect memory.

Of particular interest are those dreams which seem to come from past centuries, or that unfold in environments totally unrelated to the vigil existence of the dreamer.

One must be in a “watchful, perceptive” or “alert, anew” state and pay attention to the study of details which includes specific matters, conversations, meetings, temples, or unusual activities which relate to other people.

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: The Return Practice

The Return Practice

When the aspirant has successfully performed all of the Gnostic exercises related with the esotericism of dreams, then it is evident that he is found intimately prepared for the “return practice.”

In the previous chapter, we mentioned the initiator element that comes forth as if by enchantment from amongst the changing and formless expressions of dreams.

Certain people, who are highly psychic, refined or susceptible to impressions, have always possessed in themselves the initiator element. These people are characterized by the continuous repetition of the same dream. These psychics periodically re-live various scenes, or constantly see in their dream experience a creature or a symbol...

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac: The Four Blessings

The Four Blessings

In the last chapter, we referred extensively to the initiator element of dreams. Obviously, we only lack the ability to use it.

When the Gnostic has kept a record of his dreams, he unquestionably discovers a dream that recurs. This, among other reasons, certainly justifies writing all dreams in his notebook or pad.

Undoubtedly, that recurring dream experience is the initiator element which, wisely used, leads us to the awakening of the consciousness.

Every time the mystic lies on the bed, goes to sleep and meditates at will on the initiator element, the result is immediate.