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Fundamentals of Gnostic Education: Revolutionary Psychology

Revolutionary Psychology

Teachers of schools, colleges, and universities must profoundly study the revolutionary psychology taught by all the International Gnostic Movements; this psychology is a constant revolution and is radically different from anything previously known by this name.

Undoubtedly, we can state, without fear of being mistaken, that in the course of the centuries that have preceded us since the profound night of all times, psychology has never fallen as low as is presently in this age of the “rebels without a cause,” “the little henchmen of rock’n’roll.”

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education: Psychological Rebellion

Psychological Rebellion

Those who have devoted themselves to travelling all the countries of the world with the purpose of studying in detail all the human races—whether in old Europe or in Africa, tired because of so much slavery, or in the sacred country of the Vedas, or in the West Indies, or in Austria or in China—have been able to verify for themselves that the nature of this wretched intellectual animal, mistakenly called human, is always the same.

This concrete fact, this shocking reality which surprises every mindful individual, can be especially verified by the traveler who visits schools, colleges, and universities.

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education: Evolution, Devolution, Revolution

Evolution, Devolution, Revolution

In practicality we have been able to verify that as much in materialistic schools as in spiritualistic schools, people are completely bottled up within the dogma of evolution.

Deep down, modern opinions about the origin of human beings and their past evolution are cheap sophistry; they do not withstand a profound, critical study.

Notwithstanding that all of Darwin’s theories have been accepted as articles of faith by Karl Marx and his much revered dialectic materialism, modern scientists know nothing about the origins of the human being: they have proved nothing, they have experienced nothing directly, and they lack accurate, specific, and precise proofs about human evolution.

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education: The Integral Individual

The Integral Individual

The profound comprehension of oneself is the true sense of a fundamental education, since all the laws of nature are found within each individual. Therefore, those who want to know all the marvels of nature must study them within themselves.

To enrich the intellect is the only concern of a false education; this enrichment can be achieved by anybody, since it is obvious that anyone with money has the luxury of buying books.

Understand: we are not pronouncing ourselves against intellectual culture; we are only pronouncing ourselves against the uncontrolled eagerness for mental accumulation, since a false intellectual education only grants subtle evasions in order to run away from ourselves.  Yes, all erudite, intellectual addicts have marvelous evasions that allow them to run away from themselves.

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education: The Human-like Machines

The Human-like Machines

Notwithstanding that the human-like machines are the unhappiest beasts that exist in this valley of tears, astoundingly they have the pretentiousness—and even the insolence—of calling themselves “kings and queens of nature.”

“Nosce Te Ipsum” (Know thyself)—this is an ancient golden maxim written on the invincible walls of a temple of the city of Delphi of ancient Greece.

The human-like machines—those wretched intellectual animals who mistakenly classify themselves as humans—have invented thousands of very complicated and intricate machines. Although they do not ignore the fact that they sometimes need long years of study and training to be assisted in any activity by one of their machines, nonetheless they totally forget this fact in regard to their own case, even when indeed they are more complicated machines than all those they have invented.