Preparation and Discipline of the Gnostic Doctor
Rules for the Gnostic Medic
1. It is forbidden for the Gnostic doctor to eat any type of meat.* [Samael Aun Weor later revised this statement when he discovered that the initiate needs to consume the Tattva Tejas, which is abundant in red meat.]
2. It is totally forbidden for the Gnostic doctor to fornicate.
3. Every Gnostic doctor must be saintly.
4. Every Gnostic doctor must be clean of vices.
5. Every Gnostic doctor must be married.
6. Every Gnostic doctor is obliged to practice sexual magic daily in order to awaken the Kundalini.
7. Every Gnostic doctor must practice the exercises of occult meditation and vocalization daily.
8. The Gnostic doctor must possess infinite charity and infinite sweetness.
9. The Gnostic doctor can only practice sexual magic with his priestess spouse/her priest spouse.
10. The Gnostic doctor can never be adulterous.