The Seven Loaves of Bread
1. "The overseer of the palace, Nu, triumphant, saith,'That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me, let me not eat. That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me, is filth; let me not eat it in the place of the sepulchral cakes which are offered unto the Kas. Let me not be destroyed thereby; let me not be compelled to take it into my hands; and let me not be compelled to walk thereon in my sandals.'" - The Book of the Dead, Chapter 51
2. "The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith, 'That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me, let me not eat. That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me is filth; let me not eat it in the place of the sepulchral cakes which are offered unto the Kas. Let it not light upon my body; let me not be obliged to take it into my hands; and let me not be obliged to walk thereon in my sandals. What, now, wilt thou live upon the presence of the Gods? Let food come unto me from the place whither thou wilt bring food, and let me live upon the seven loaves of bread which shall be brought as food before Horus, and upon the bread which is brought before Thoth. The Gods shall say unto me: What manner of food wouldst thou have given unto thee? And I reply: Let me eat my food under the sycamore tree of my lady, the goddess Hathor, and let my times be among the divine Beings who have alighted thereon. Let me have the power to order my own fields in Tattu Mendes and my own growing crops in Annu Heliopolis. Let me live upon bread made of white barley, and let my beer be made with red grain, and may the persons of my father and mother be given unto me as guardians of my door and for the ordering of my territory. Let me be sound and strong, let me have a large room, and let me be able to sit wheresoever I please.'" - The Book of the Dead, Chapter 52
3. My sibling, you must not eat of the filthiness offered to men.
4. The Kas are the doubles of the dead.
5. All human beings are pillars of the underworld.
6. All human beings are living dead, eating the filthiness of theories, schools, etc.
7. Therefore, sibling of mine, nourish yourself with the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus, and eat from the bread that is brought before Thoth.
8. The seven loaves of bread are the wisdom of our seven serpents.
9. We have seven serpents: two groups of three, with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father.
10. These are the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus, the Child of Gold, the intimate Christ of sexual alchemy.
11. Let us eat under the sycamore tree of our lady, the priestess of our alchemical laboratory.
12. The sycamore tree is the sexual forces that we must transmute in our alchemical laboratory.
The deceased and his wife receive loaves of bread and drink from the goddess Nut
13. All the sacred books of the world are elaborated with the wisdom of the seven loaves of bread.
14. Let us bow before the Holy Bible, and let us make a respectable bow before The Book of the Dead, the Zend Avesta, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Vedas.
15. These are eternal books....
16. The wisdom of the Prophets is the wisdom of the seven loaves of bread.
17. Let us eat under the sycamore tree of our priestess spouse, in order to elaborate the Child of Gold of sexual alchemy.
18. Let us eat from the bread that is brought before Thoth, the bread of the Christ-Mind, so that we may liberate ourselves from the four bodies of sin and enter the room of the double Maat.
The deceased (far left) is judged by the scale of Anubis, then passes Thoth (center, with Ibis head) and brought before Horus, behind whom stand two goddesses Maat (far right, with feathers on their heads)