The Elixir of Long Life
"Nebseni, the scribe and the designer in the Temples of Upper and Lower Egypt, he to whom fair venerations is paid, the son of the scribe and artist Thena, triumphant, saith:
"Hail, Tem, I have become glorious (or a Khu) in the presence of the double Lion-god, the great god, therefore open thou unto me the gate of the god Seb. I smell the earth ( i.e., I bow down so that my nose toucheth the ground ) of the great god who dwelleth in the underworld, and I advance into the presence of the company of the gods who dwell with the beings who are in the underworld. Hail, thou guardian of the divine door of the city of Beta, thou Neti who dwellest in Amantet. I eat food, and I have life through the air, and the god Atch-ur leadeth me with [him] to the mighty boat of Khepera. I hold converse with the divine mariners at eventide, I enter in, I go forth, and I see the being who is there; I lift him up, and I say what I have to say unto him whose throat stinketh [for lack of air]. I have life, and I am delivered, having lain down in death. Hail, thou that bringeth offerings and oblations, bring forward thy mouth and make to draw nigh the writings (or lists) of offerings and oblations.
"Set thou Right and Truth firmly upon their throne, make thou the writings to draw nigh, and set thou up the goddesses in the presence of Osiris, the mighty god, the Prince of everlastingness, who counteth his years, who hearkeneth unto those who are in the islands (or pools), who raiseth his right shoulder, who judgeth the divine princes, and who sendeth [the deceased] into the presence of the great sovereign princes who live in the underworld." - The Book of the Dead, Chapter 41
1. When we have achieved glory before the double Lion-god, which means before the Law, then the Law opens the door of the Divine Seb for us.
2. The Divine Seb is Atman, the Universal Spirit of Life, before whom we bow reverently.
3. We then present ourselves before the assembly of the Gods who dwell with the beings who are in the underworld.
4. We give thanks to the air, and the Immortal One conduces us towards the mighty boat of Khepera.
5. Khepera is the creative Deity of the Gods, the sacred scarab, Ra within ourselves, the Seity.
6. "I hold converse with the divine mariners at eventide, I enter in, I go forth, and I see the being who is there."
7. This Being is my Being, my Father, who is in secret.
8. He is the One whom I converse with when I have perfected myself.
9. This is how I acquired the Elixir of Long Life after having drawn near the writings (or lists) of offerings and oblations. This is how I am delivered and how I have life after having lain down in death.
10. The body of liberation is subjected neither to sickness nor to death.
11. The body of liberation is made with flesh and bones, but it is flesh that does not come from Adam. It is flesh from the Cosmic Christ.
12. The body of liberation is similar to the Divine Rabbi of Galilee.
13. The body of liberation is the body of Gods.
14. With this body, we sit upon the throne of Justice and Truth, and thus we are exalted as immortals in the presence of Osiris and Horus.
Guided by Horus, the deceased approaches Osiris on his throne, behind whom stand two Goddesses as Maat.
15. Osiris is the Innermost, "the mighty god, the Prince of everlastingness, who counteth his years, who hearkeneth unto those who are in the islands (or pools), who raiseth his right shoulder, who judgeth the divine princes, and who sendeth the deceased into the presence of the great sovereign princes who live in the underworld."
16. The entire Elixir of Long Life is found in the phallus of Osiris.
17. With the Elixir of Long Life, we can preserve even the physical body for long aeons of time.
18. Master Mejnour lived seven times seven centuries.
19. The Master Zanoni preserved his physical body for thousands of years.
20. The Count of Saint Germain still possesses the same physical body with which he presented himself in the courts of Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
21. With the white and red elixirs, we enter the kingdom of Super-men, and we convert ourselves into omnipotent Gods of the universe.