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Treatise of Sexual Alchemy: The Chapter of Bringing Along a Boat in the Underworld

The Chapter of Bringing Along a Boat in the Underworld


1. "The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith, 'Hail, ye who bring along the boat over the evil back of [Apepi], grant that I may bring the boat along, and coil up [its] ropes in peace, in peace. Come, come, hasten, hasten for I have come to see my father Osiris, the lord of the ansi garment, who hath gained the mastery with joy of heart. Hail lord of the rain-storm, thou Male, thou Sailor! Hail, thou that dost sail over the evil back of Apep! Hail thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones of the neck when thou comest forth from the knives. Hail, thou who art in charge of the hidden boat, who dost fetter Apep, grant that I may bring along the boat, and that I may coil up the ropes and that I may sail forth therein. This land is baleful, and the stars have over-balanced themselves and have fallen upon their faces therein, and they have not found anything which will help them to ascend again: their path is blocked by the tongue of Ra. Antebu [is] the guide of the two lands. Seb is established [through] their rudders. The power which openeth the Disk. The prince of the red beings. I am brought along like him that hath suffered shipwreck; grant that my Khu, my brother, may come to me, and that [I] may set out for the place whereof thou knowest.'"

"Tell me my name", saith the Wood whereat I would anchor; "Lord of the two lands who dwellest in the Shrine," is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Rudder; "Leg of Hapiu" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Rope; "Hair with which Anpu (Anubis) finisheth the work of my embalmment" is thy name.

"Tell us our name," say the Oar-rests; "Pillars of the underworld" is your name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Hold; "Aker" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Mast; "He who bringeth back the great lady after- she hath gone away" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Lower Deck; "Standard of Ap-uat" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Upper Post; "Throat of Mestha" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Sail; "Nut" is thy name.

"Tell us our name," say the Pieces of Leather. "Ye who are made from the hide of the Mnevis Bull, which was burned by Suti," is your name.

"Tell us our name," say the Paddles; "Fingers of Horus the first-born" is your name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Matchabet; "The hand of Isis, which wipeth away the blood from the Eye of Horus," is thy name.

"Tell us our names," say the Planks which are in its hulk; "Mestha, Hapi, Tuamautef, Qebh-sennuf, Haqau (i.e., he who leadeth away captive), Thet-em-aua (i.e., he who seizeth by violence), Maa-an-tef (i.e. , he who seeth what the father bringeth), and Ari-nef-tchesef (i.e., he who made himself)," are your names.

"Tell us our names," say the Bows; "He who is at the head of his nomes" is your name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Hull; "Mert" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Rudder. "Aqa" (i.e., true one) is thy , name, O thou who shinest from the water, hidden beam is thy name.

"Tell me my name" saith the Keel; "Thing (or Leg) of Isis, which Ra cut off with the knife to bring blood into the Sektet boat," is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Sailor; "Traveller" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the Wind by which thou art borne along; "The North Wind which cometh from Tem to the nostrils of Khenti- Amenti" is thy name.

"Tell me my name," saith the River, "if thou wouldst travel upon me"; "Those which can be seen" is thy name.

"Tell us our name," say the River Banks; "Destroyer of the god Au-a (i.e., he of the spacious hand) in the water house" is thy name.

"Tell me my, name," saith the Ground, "if thou wouldst walk upon me"; "The Nose of heaven which proceedeth from the god Utu, who dwelleth in the Sekhet-Aarru, and who cometh forth with rejoicing therefrom," is thy name.


"Hail to you, O ye divine beings with beautiful Kas, ye divine lords of things, who exist and who live for ever and [whose] double period of an illimitable number of years is eternity, I have made a way unto you, grant ye my food and sepulchral meals for my mouth, [and grant that] I may speak therewith, and that the goddess Isis [may give me] loaves and cakes in the presence of the great god. I know the great god before whose nostrils ye place celestial food, and his name is Thekem; both when he maketh his way from the eastern horizon of heaven and when he journeyeth into the western horizon of heaven may his journey be my journey, and his going forth my going forth. Let me not be destroyed at the Mesqet chamber, and let not the devils gain dominion over my members. I have my cakes in the city of Pe, and I have my ale in the city of Tepu, and let the offerings [which are given unto you] be given unto me this day. Let my offerings be wheat and barley. Let my offerings be anti unguent and linen, garments; let my offerings be for life, strength, and health; let my offerings be a coming forth by day in any form whatsoever in which it may please me to appear in Sekhet-Aarru." - The Book of the Dead, Chapter 99

1. All of our laboratory work is found enclosed in this chapter of the Book of the Dead that we have transcribed.

2. First of all, the stone is black, because the Alchemist must enter the underworld in order to pull the light away from the darkness.

3. The immaculate whiteness of the light is hidden within the blackness of the stone.

4. This first phase belongs to the state of putrefaction.

5. The stone then reddens, liquefies, and thickens before gaining its true whiteness.

6. The stone passes through true alchemical transformations.

7. It blackens, it whitens, it is purified, it is adorned with red and white. It passes innumerable transformations during the entire process of initiation.

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8. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake until the Child of Gold appears.

9. This Child of Gold is the intimate Christ.

10. "Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven."

11. Innumerable colors appear in our Philosophical Stone before it shines.

12. "After the whiteness, you cannot deceive yourself, because you will reach a grayish color by increasing the fire."

13. This is the Ash.

14. This is the Salt of Alchemy. The Salt is divided into fixed Salt and volatile Salt.

15. Later, after seven distillations of the vessel, the King appears crowned with the red diadem.

16. Behold all the processes of initiation that we must perform in our alchemical laboratory.

17. "Hail, ye who bring along the boat over the evil back of Apep."

18. Hail, oh warrior, you who bring along the boat of your existence over the evil back of Apep, the tempting serpent of Eden!

19. You must pull the light from the darkness in the underworld so that you may reach your Father Osiris, the Innermost, your Real Being, the Lord of the Ansi garment.

20. The Alchemist must plough the malignant back of Apep, the tempting serpent of Eden.

21. The Alchemist must pull the fire from the devil.

22. The Alchemist must pull the immaculate whiteness from the darkness.

23. You must practice Sexual Magic with your spouse in order for your black stone to shine with the fire and for it to then become white, immaculate, and pure.

24. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake, and to not become tired of it.

25. Thus, we would like to state that it is necessary to intensely practice Sexual Magic with your spouse, in order to awaken the Kundalini and to achieve the union with the Innermost.

26. The Kundalini rises vertebra by vertebra, canyon by canyon, degree by degree, little by little.

27. The sacred fire is the Sulfur.

28. The ascension of the Kundalini is slow and difficult.

29. When the Alchemist spills the crude matter of the Great Work, the fire descends one or more canyons in accordance with the magnitude of the fault.

30. Our Lord, the Christ told me:

31. "The disciple must not allow himself to fall, because the disciple who allows himself to fall then has to fight very much in order to recover what has been lost."

32. The tenebrous ones attack you within the darkness in order to impede you from entering the chambers of your spinal column.

33. Each degree that you gain in your spinal column is a cup that you steal from the tenebrous ones of the underworld.

34. You eat the esoteric wisdom of the seven loaves of bread in the chamber of your spinal column.

35. Nourish yourself, sibling of mine, with the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus, and eat of the sepulchral cakes that are offered unto the Kas.

36. "Hail, lord of the rain-storm, thou Male, thou Sailor."

37. Whosoever crosses the path of initiation must live the drama of the Cross. The initiate must tolerate the rainstorm of great bitterness.

38. "Hail, thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones of the neck when thou comest forth from the knives."

39. We must raise seven serpents upon our reed, until the King appears, crowned with the red diadem.

40. We must pass through the decapitation of John the Baptist seven times.

41. We pass through the decapitation of St. John the Baptist, each time in a very refined form, as the seven serpents pass in successive order from the vertebrae of the neck to the head.

42. "Hail, thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones of the neck when thou comest forth from the knives."

43. The naked Salome, drunk with lust and passion and dancing with the head of Saint John the Baptist in her lecherous arms before King Herod, symbolizes the great human harlot dancing before the world with our earthly head (initiates).

44. Each time the initiate comes out from the knives, he leaves his vulgar and earthly mind to the world.

45. "Hail, thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones or the neck when thou (initiates) comest forth from the knives."

46. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake and to not become tired of it.

47. The Philosophical Stone turns red, turns white, it thickens, it dissolves, it brightens, it sparkles, and it shines within the underworld.

48. "Hail, thou who art in charge of the hidden boat, who dost fetter Apep!"

49. "Grant that I may bring along the boat, and that I may coil up the ropes and that I may sail forth therein."

50. Hail, warrior, you who victoriously defeats the temptations and steals the cups of your spinal vertebrae from the inhabitants of the underworld.

51. Work in your laboratory until you succeed in reaching your Father, Osiris.

52. You are an inhabitant of the underworld, and you must depart from the country of darkness in order to enter the kingdom of the Light.

53. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake and to not become tired of it.

54. The underworld is terrible.

55. "This land is baleful, and the stars have over-balanced themselves and have fallen upon their faces therein, and they have not found anything which will help them to ascend again."

56. "Their path is blocked by the tongue of Ra."

57. All human beings are fallen stars in the dark land of the underworld.

58. The road of this dark land is blocked by the tongue of Ra, by the longing for the light, by the path of initiation that leads us from death to life, from darkness to light.

59. "Antebu is the guide of the two lands."

60. Antebu is the God of the Theban ascension.

61. The ascension of the Lord is performed after our crucifixion, death, and resurrection.

62. "Seb is stablished through their rudders."

63. This means that Atman, the ineffable One, constitutes the kingdom of the Gods, thanks to his rudders, the ineffable Beings. They are the ones who have departed from the underworld. They have passed from darkness to light, because they knew how to extract the whiteness from the black stone, according to the art.

64. These are the Princes of the Red Beings, these are the Princes of the Fire.

65. These are the Masters of metallic transmutations.

66. " ...grant that my Khu, my brother, may come to me, and that I may set out for the place whereof thou knowest."

67. This signifies: Cover yourself with your brilliant cape, sibling of mine, with your translucent cape, and with your spiritual cape, so that you may depart from this dark land and you may enter into the Region of the Light.

68. You are a Lord of the darkness and a Lord of the light.

69. "Lord of the two lands who dwellest in the Shrine."

70. "Leg of Hapiu is thy name, because you are a descendent of the third race."

71. "Hair with which Anpu (Anubis) finisheth the work of my embalmment, is thy name."

72. Such is your name, which reminds us that before his crucifixion Mary Magdelene embalmed the body of the Master with a precious ointment.

73. After his death, the holy women embalmed and shrouded the body of Christ.

74. You must be embalmed for death.

75. In each initiation, something dies within us and something is born within us.

76. Sibling of mine, your body must be embalmed for death.

77. You must be shrouded in the underworld so that you may resurrect from among the dead.

78. It is sad to say, but you are the pillars of the underworld.

79. You are AKER, the Lion with two heads, the God of the Earth.

80. You are submitted to the Lords of Karma, to the Lions of the Law.

81. You now need to be, "He who bringeth back the lady after she hath gone away."

82. You need to return to the bosom of the Mother Goddess of the world.

83. You are called Standard of Ap-uat, because you are advancing on the path of the initiation, obeying the law.

84. You are called Throat of Mestha, because you have a human's head.

85. You are called Nut, because you came out from the waters of the Abyss.

86. You came out from the profound waters of the Chaos.

87. The water (semen) must be transmuted into the wine of the light of the Alchemist.

88. "Ye who are made from the hide of the Mnevis Bull, which was burned by Suti."

89. The Gods are sons of Neith, the woman.

90. This is why you are made from the hide of the Mnevis Bull that was burned by Suti.

91. You are the fingers of Horus, the first-born, the Green Child, the Child of Gold, the intimate Christ who is the result of the work of your blessed stone.

92. Do not forget, sibling of mine, that Isis wipes away the blood from the Eye of Horus.

93. Our intimate Christ is caressed by the soft hand of the blessed Goddess Mother of the world.

94. This is how we heal our wounds.

95. Initiation is the painful drama of the Cross.

96. You have a human's head. You descend from a divine race. You are one of the divine creatures. You have the wings of an eagle, but you have remained captive in this underworld.

97. You have been violently taken by the tenebrous ones of the underworld.

98. Do you see what the PARSE is bringing? He brings you the Light.

99. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake and to never become tired of it.

100. The one who formed himself is a Master of metallic transmutations.

101. You are before your gnomes, the infernal creatures of the underworld, who incessantly attack you.

102. Take very good care of your receptacle so that not even a single drop of your crude matter of the Great Work escapes.

103. Terrible temptations besiege you in the underworld.

104. The black magicians send you voluptuous temptations, seductive flesh that smiles at you in the baleful land, where "the stars have over-balanced themselves and have fallen upon their faces."

105. You are the son of Mert.

106. "Aqa is thy name, O thou who shinest from the water, hidden beam is thy name."

107. The hidden ray is within the water.

108. The terrific fire of the seven serpents that frightfully revolves among terrible flashes of lightning, flashes within the semen.

109. You are a leg of Isis that has been cut by Ra, and you must now return to the Goddess Mother, who awaits you in the room of Maat.

110. You are a traveller of the cosmos.

111. Advance, traveller, advance. You are the north wind that comes from Tern. You are the breath of Ra, the Father, the eternal Atman.

112. You are those who can be seen.

113. You are a destroyer of the God Au-a in the water-house, because this water, or christonic semen of your sexual organs, is transformed into fire.

114. Your two Uraeus—your two serpents, one from the South and one from the North—shine upon your forehead.

115. These two serpents are two ganglionic cords through which the seminal energy rises to the head.

116. The water is transformed into the wine of light, and this sacred wine rises through the two ganglionic cords and shines between the brows.

117. The ancient Kings had two crowns upon their heads, and the sacred serpent between the brows.

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The crowns of red and white combine into one.

118. You are in the field of the reeds, and you must intensely practice Sexual Magic with your spouse in order to make the fire rise through the reed.

119. We are before the Divine Beings, the splendid Kas.

120. You must eat sepulchral meals and words of the Gods in order to die.

121. However, you will eat sepulchral cakes offered to the Gods, but you will not eat theories, religions, schools, etc., because these are abominable.

122. You must eat food and words in order to die and resurrect.

123. "Ah! your death will be sweet, and whosoever witnesses it will feel truly happy."

124. "Thy death will be the seal of the oath of our eternal love."

125. "Death is the crown of everyone."

126. May the Goddess Isis give us the loaves of bread in the presence of the great God.

127. May the Goddess Isis nourish us with the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus.

128. "Let me not be destroyed at the Mesqet chamber, and let not the devils gain dominion over my members."

129. We are reborn as Gods within the cradle of skin.

130. This is the underworld. Here, the tempting demons attack us. Here, we must perform the Great Work.

131. This is why when we find the blackness of the stone, we must extract the hidden and immaculate whiteness.

132. When you see the whiteness appearing, you must not forget that the red is hidden within the whiteness. We must extract the red by baking, baking, and re-baking, without ever becoming tired of it.

133. The tenebrous ones attack us within the black abysses of the underworlds, and we must courageously pull the fire from them.

134. Later, this fire shines in the spinal column with an immaculate whiteness.

135. "After the whiteness, you cannot deceive yourself, because you will reach a grayish color by increasing the fire."

136. The grayish color is the Salt of the alchemist.

137. The volatile Salt is diffused throughout the entire body and it passes to the larynx of the woman.

138. The volatile Salt of the woman passes to the larynx of the man.

139. This is how our larynx becomes hermaphroditic, and it is converted into a creative organ of the Master of metallic transmutations.

140. The fixed Salt serves as a base and a foundation.

141. First of all, the Stone is black, because we must enter the underworld in order to steal the torch of fire from Baphomet.

142. It is then red, because we pull the fire from the spinal chambers.

143. It is then white, because it shines in the candlestick of our spinal column with the splendorous whiteness of the Master of metallic transmutations.

144. Then come the changing phases as we bake, bake, and re-bake the crude matter of the Great Work.

145. There are seven distillations, which means there are seven serpents that we must raise upon the reed until the King appears, crowned with the red diadem.

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146. In other words, we must raise them until we convert ourselves into Masters of the Mahamanvantara.

147. "I have my cakes in the city of Pe, and I have my ale in the city of Tepu, and let the offerings which are given unto you be given unto me this day.

148. "Let my offerings be wheat and barley; let my offerings be antiunguent and linen garments; let my offerings be for life, strength, and health; let my offerings be a coming forth by day in any form whatsoever in which it may please me to appear in Sekhet-Aarru."

149. Our alchemical food is in the city of Pe, which means in lower Egypt, our sexual organs.

150. The seven loaves of bread, our sacred cakes, and our ale are in the city in which Thoth makes the Innermost triumph.

151. Thoth is the Christ-Mind. The God Thoth is the God of the Christ-Mind.

152. When the human being liberates himself from the four bodies of sin, he is converted into a Dragon of the Four Truths, into a Buddha.

153. When we have performed the Great Work, we are ineffable Gods in the field of the reeds.