The Revolution of the Consciousness
The Bhagavad-Gita, the sacred book of Lord Krishna, literally states the following:
“Of many thousand mortals, one, perchance, strives for perfection; and of those few that strive, and rise high to perfection—one only—here and there knoweth Me perfectly, as I am, the very Rightness.” —7:3
Jesus the great Kabir said:
“Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open unto us’; and he shall answer and say unto you, ‘I know you not whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to say, ‘We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets’. But he shall say, ‘I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you [yourselves] thrust out.’” —Luke 13:24-28
Within the four gospels (which are indeed four texts written in alchemical and kabbalistic codes) Jesus the great Kabir emphasizes the tremendous difficulty of entering into the kingdom.
The Dhammapada, the sacred book of Buddhism, states:
“Few among men are they who cross to the further shore. The other folk only run up and down the bank on this side.” —6:85
Any scholar of science can verify by themselves the scientific process of natural selection.
“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto light, and few there be that find it.” —Matthew 7:14
The Florentine Dante, disciple of Virgil, the poet of Mantua, starts the recitation of his Divine Comedy in the following way:
“In the midway of this our mortal life, I found me in a gloomy wood, astray, gone from the path direct: and even to tell it were no easy task, how savage wild that forest, how robust and rough its growth, which to remember only, my dismay renews, in bitterness not far from death. Yet, to discourse of what there good befell, all else will I relate discovered there. How first I entered it I scarce can say, such sleepy dullness in that instant weighed my senses down, when the true path I left.”
Dante Alighieri, that powerfully illuminated one who wrote The Divine Comedy, also committed the mistake of having gone astray from the upright path; thus, he fell into the gloomy forest of mundaneness.
It is very difficult to find the path, yet what is even more difficult is to stay firmly on the path and never abandon it.
Whosoever wants to ascend must first of all descend; this is the law. Initiation is death and birth at the same time.
When Dante wanted to ascend to the summit of the august mountain of initiation, his guru made him descend into the infernal worlds; this is the law.
Within the underworld, the Florentine poet saw and heard the suffering souls of the ancient condemned ones. There he also found the sincere but mistaken ones who, within the Luciferic flames of their own passions, are naively awaiting the day and hour in order to occupy their place among the blessed ones.
Dante would not have found the terrible mysteries of the abyss without those symbolic women named Lucia (divine grace), Beatrice (spiritual soul), and Rachel (mercy).
Within the underworld, Dante found many sages and many men full of prestige and knowledge. He also found many centaurs (half human, half beast).
Within the underworld live very famous centaurs, such as the great Chiron who nursed Achilles; Pholus prone to wrath is found there too, and the cruel Attila (who was the scourge of God on Earth) and many others who in this day and age in certain countries are venerated as national heroes.
The path that leads to the realization of the Innermost Self, of the Being, begins within the very atomic infernos of the wretched intellectual animal (mistakenly called a human being); thereafter, it continues in the molecular purgatory of the initiate, and concludes in the electronic regions of the Empyrean.
Every neophyte must learn how to distinguish between a downfall and a descent. The conscious descent of Dante into the infernal worlds is not a downfall.
Only on the path (based on tremendous, intimate super-efforts within ourselves) is it possible to develop all the marvelous, hidden potentialities of the human being. The development of these possibilities has never been a law.
Undoubtedly, we can and must emphatically affirm that the law for the unhappy intellectual beast (before being swallowed up by the mineral kingdom) is that he has to miserably exist within the vicious circle of the mechanical laws of nature.
Thus, even if the weak and the cowards become frightened, it is urgent to state that the path that guides the brave to the realization of the Innermost Self is frightfully revolutionary and terribly dangerous.
We need to rise up in arms against nature, against the cosmos, against mundaneness, against ourselves, against everything, against everybody, it does not matter what the cost might be.
This is the path of the revolution of the consciousness; this is the difficult path; this is the path greatly detested by the perverse of this lunar race.
This path is the opposite of ordinary, daily life. It is based on other principles, and it is submitted to other laws; precisely on this lays its power and significance.
Ordinary daily life, the routines of daily life (even in their most amiable and delectable aspects) lead human beings towards the infernal worlds and the Second Death. It cannot lead them to any other place.
What is normal and natural is that this race of Adam will serve as nourishment for the entrails of this planetary organism on which we live. It would be odd, strange, and difficult for someone to be saved and enter into the Kingdom.
Now, beloved reader, you will comprehend the frightening tragedy in which we live. Fortunately, this is why, the Omni-merciful, the infinitude that sustains all, the very, very sacred Absolute Sun, periodically sends avatars, saviors, to this valley of tears.
These sacred individuals, these messengers, these saviors, are living incarnations of the Omni-merciful. Nevertheless, this lunar race, this perverse race of Adam, mortally hates such helpers.
In The Bhagavad-Gita, the blessed Lord said:
“Albeit I am Unborn, undying, indestructible and the Lord of all living creatures, nonetheless by dominating my Prakriti I incarnate on floating Nature-forms through my own Maya.
“When Righteousness declines, O Bharata! when wickedness is strong, I incarnate, from age to age, and incarnate in a visible shape, and move a man with men, succoring the good, thrusting the evil back, and setting Religion on her seat again.
“Who knows the truth touching my reincarnation on earth and my divine work, when he quits, the flesh puts on its load no more, falls no more down to earthly birth; to Me he comes, Oh Arjuna!” —4:6-9
The blessed Krishna, the blessed Buddha, the blessed Lama, the blessed Mohammed, the loving, essential Ashiata Shiemash, Moses, Quetzalcoatl (and many others) were all avatars.
The doctrine of all avatars has its roots in the three basic factors of the revolution of the consciousness: to be born, to die, and to sacrifice the self for humanity.
Jesus the great Kabir magisterially synthesized the doctrine of the revolution of the consciousness when saying:
“The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.” —Luke 9:22
But, he also added:
“Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” —Matthew 16:28