Mercury (the messenger of the gods) is at a distance of 42 times the diameter of his progenitor, the Sun.
If we make a chart with minor and major conjunctions, we would then anticipate (with absolute certainty) that the planetary influence would increase or decrease; thus, we will see that Mercury and Venus repeat their maximum effect every eight years.
The concentrical orbits of the planets are, without a doubt, intimately related with the Law of Bode. If we take the following geometrical development: 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, and if we add 4 to each number, then we achieve a series of numbers which, more or less, represent the distance between the planetary orbits and the Sun.
The sizes of the planets vary among them. They marvelously grow from the smallest “Mercury” (which is the planet nearest to the king star, the Sun, or which is nearest to the center of the system) to the largest, “thundering Jupiter,” which is located at half of the distance between the center and the periphery. After Jupiter, the planets decrease in size again until reaching the most distant known planet; this is the terrible Pluto, which is a little bit bigger than Mercury.
While more distant, the apparent velocities of the planets are slower; these diminish from about 50 kilometers a second for Mercury, until 5 kilometers a second for the mystical and wise Neptune.
It is clear that this is a characteristic of the decrease of the Sun’s emitted impulses. The Sun’s impulses decrease when penetrating more and more profoundly into the distance.
The fast movement of the planet Mercury has a decisive influence upon the thyroid gland.
The orbit of Mercury is so eccentric and its period so ephemeral that any of its cycles seriously studied will actually be excessively erratic.
As an astrological planet, Mercury is even more mysterious than Venus itself, and it is identical to the Mazdeist Mithra. Mercury is Buddha, the genie or god who is situated between the Sun and the Moon. He is the perpetual companion of the Sun of wisdom.
In Greek mythology, Mercury displayed wings in order to express how he assisted the Sun on its sidereal course. Mercury was called Nuncio and Wolf of the Sun: Solaris Luminis Particeps. “He was the chief and the evoker of the souls, the Kabir and Hierophant.”
Virgil describes Mercury holding the caduceus or hammer of two serpents in order to evoke to a new life those unhappy souls who were precipitated into the Orco of classic Greeks, the Christian Limbo, tum virgam capit, hac animas ille evocat orco [“Then he takes his wand; with this he calls pale ghosts from Orcus.” —Virgil, Aeneid 4.242], with the purpose of having them enter into the celestial militia.
Mercury, the aurean planet, is the one the hierophants prohibited to name. In Greek mythology, Mercury is symbolized by the famous hare-hunting dogs, or guardian dogs of the celestial cattle that drink from the very pure fountains of esoteric wisdom. This is why Mercury is also known as “Hermes-Anubis,” the good inspirator, or Agathodaemon.
He flies over the Earth like the bird of Argos, thus the Earth mistakes him for the Sun itself. Respectively, they both represent the Hindu Sarama and Sarameya.
Traditions state that the emperor Juliano prayed every night to the hidden sun through the intercession of Mercury, for as the very wise Vossius stated:
“All theologians asseverate that Mercury and the Sun are one... This is why Mercury was considered to be the most eloquent and wise of the gods, a fact which is not strange since Mercury is found so close to the wisdom and to the Word (or Logos) and was mistaken for both....”
Within the now-submerged Atlantis, under the domes and roofs of the Temple of Hercules, within the divine crypt of the mysterious Hermes, the planet Mercury gloriously shined upon the sacred altar.
Mercury, the astrological Hermes, is the god of wisdom known in Egypt, Syria, and Phoenicia as Thoth, Tat, AD-AD, Adam Kadmon, and Enoch.
In the Temple of Hercules, inside that mysterious mansion covered by gray clouds, the neophyte was only allowed to see the planet Mercury as a supreme spirit, floating upon the Genesiatic waters of the first instant.
The well-known “initiatic lake” was never missing from within that crypt of Mercury where (for every representation of mystery) the waters appeared sinisterly black like bitumen.
Before the sight of Atlantean neophytes, such a fatal lake appeared to be framed between four typical hills (such as the ones that are usually represented in certain nobiliary paintings). This sexual symbol reminds us of one of the tales from The Thousand and One Nights with the title “The Prince from the Four Black Islands.” The prince of that tale truly existed in Atlantis, in the mysterious Olisis. He was the son of an initiate-king from the Garden of Hesperides, which was the initiatic center of the good law. That prince could not be crowned king because when he was submitted to initiatic ordeals, he could not successfully resist the cruel sexual temptations of Katebet (she of the gloomy destinies).
Adam and Eve came out of paradise for having eaten the forbidden fruit. However, the apples of gold or the apples of Freya and the liquor of Soma or Biblical Manna, constitute the fundamental food for the astral.
Let us remember that the sexual hierogram of “IO” corresponds to the host of Elohim, the fathers or Pitris of humanity.
The ens seminis is the Mercury of secret philosophy within which the whole ens virtutis of the sacred fire is found.
The Nordic swastika contains within itself the secret clue of sexual transmutation. This is why this rune is the electric mill of physics.
The swastika is an alchemical, cosmogonical, and anthropological sign, under seven different interpretative clues. The swastika is the symbol of transcendental electricity, the alpha and the omega of the universal sexual force, from the spirit down to the matter. Therefore, whosoever achieves the comprehension of its mystical significance is free from the great Maya or illusion.
The three letters A. Z. F. are the three initials of the great arcanum; whosoever knows the great arcanum can transmute the black waters of Mercury of the secret philosophy in order to liberate energy within the lunar human quaternary.
Only with violence and rebelliousness can the kingdom of heaven be conquered.
In ancient times, there were five most celebrated temples of mysteries that remind us of the Temple of Hercules in Atlantis. The first of these temples was indeed named after Hercules; the second was the Temple of the Gallic Mars; the third was the Temple of Minerva Meliense; the fourth was the Temple of Diana of Ephesus, and the fifth was the Temple of Isis of the Nile.
Every temple of mysteries has three successive altars. The first is the altar of poverty, of the beginner. The second is the altar of the supreme art of alchemy, of the companion. The third is the altar of death, upon which any resurrected master has triumphed.
The Sahaja Maithuna (sexual magic) is the science of Peter; this holy apostle from the mysteries of Jesus has the keys of the kingdom.
The original name of Peter is Patar, and the three consonants P T R are carved with a chisel and hammer upon the living stone that serves as a door to the kingdom. The letter P reminds us of the Pitris or parents of humanity. The letter T reminds us of the man and the woman sexually united. The mystical letter R reminds us of the Egyptian Ra, the sacred fire.
The sexual stone, the philosophical stone of medieval alchemists, is the magical beryllium of all countries, the Aesculapian Ostrite; it is the stone with which Machaon healed Philoctetes. Let us remember the howling, oscillating, runic, and uttering stones of the Teraphim, as well as the stones of lightning, and of the Orphic Galactite, etc.
Only Mercury of secret philosophy, the messenger of the gods, can—by means of the Sahaja Maithuna (sexual magic)—summon the innocent souls out of Limbo.