The Psychological Robot
The intellectual animal is similar to a robot programmed by mechanical wheels; he is also similar to a clock because he keeps repeating the same movements of his past existences.
The intellectual animal, falsely called a human being, is a psychological robot who does nothing; everything just happens to him. The Being is the only one who does anything. The Being causes to surge forth what he wants because he is not a mechanical entity.
One has to cease being an intellectual robot because a robot always repeats the same thing; he does not have any independence.
The psychological robot is influenced by the laws of the Moon: recurrence, conception, death, hatred, egoism, violence, conceit, haughtiness, self-importance, immoderate covetousness, etc.
One has to work with super-dynamics in order to create a Permanent Center of Gravity and become independent of the Moon.
In order to cease being a psychological robot, it becomes necessary to dominate oneself. Faust achieved it, but Cornelius Agrippa did not achieve it because he just chose to theorize.
People are interested in exploiting the world, but what is more important is to exploit oneself, because the one who exploits himself dominates the world.
The psychological robot who wants to become a Man and then a Superman must develop the capacity of sustaining the notes. When someone really wants to cease being a machine, he has to undergo the first crisis: Mi-Fa, and then undergo the second crisis: La-Si.
The key of the triumphant ones (in order to pass the crisis and to cease being a psychological robot) is: choice, change, and decision. The entire work is done in seven scales; afterwards, one acquires the Nirionissian sound of the universe.