The Press
Indeed, all newspapers are filled with ideas that falsify the mind. On this path of psychological liberation it is not convenient to falsify the mind.
It is evident to me that conscious faith is necessary in order for true mental health to exist.
The press fills the mind with skepticism. Skepticism alters the equilibrium of the mind because it makes it ill.
Journalists are one hundred percent skeptical by nature.
Mental health is not possible as long as conscious faith does not exist.
The skepticism of journalists is contagious and destroys the mind.
Instead of reading foolishness, children should be taken to the countryside and fairy tales of olden times should be narrated to them. Thus, in this manner, their mind will remain open and free of the prejudices of these decadent and degenerated times.
In these decrepit and mechanical times it is necessary to recover the capacity of amazement. Unfortunately, modern people have lost this capacity.