It is written with fiery embers in the book of life that everyone who achieves the total elimination of the ego can change his astrological sign and its influences at will.
In the name of truth, I have to declare that the One who is within me has changed astrological signs at will.
The sign of my ex-personality was Pisces, but now I am Aquarius, a terrifically revolutionary sign!
We cannot deny the existence of the influences of the signs that manipulate us as long as the psychological revolution has not been carried out within us. But every student on the path who aspires to enlightenment must begin by revolutionizing himself against that which the horoscopes establish.
That matter of one sign not being compatible with another sign is totally absurd because what are not compatible are the egos, those undesirable elements that we carry within.
The astrology of these times of the end is of no use or of any good because it is pure business. The authentic astrology of Chaldean sages has already been forgotten.
Machine-like people do not want to change because they say, “That is my sign, that is my zodiacal influence!” etc. I will never get tired of emphasizing that what is important is to change emotionally and mentally.
It is necessary to change mentally so that the authentic zodiacal forces that emanate from the Being in the Milky Way may penetrate and become manifest in us, giving us a Permanent Center of Gravity.
We must not seek the light within horoscopes. The light surges forth when we have eliminated from within ourselves the Particular Characteristic Psychological Feature and when we have created a new flask—the mind—to pour into it the teachings of Psychoastrology (which I have taught in my book Zodiacal Course).
The Being and the Divine Mother are the only ones who can emancipate us from newspapers and cheap magazine horoscopes, thus giving us an integral education.
We have to shake off the dust of the centuries from ourselves and eliminate all our rancid customs and beliefs and leave astrological fanaticism behind, things such as, “It is my zodiacal influence. I can’t help it. What can I do?” Such a subjective manner of thinking is a sophism of distraction of the ego.