Materialistic Science
On a certain occasion, a materialistic atheist, an enemy of the Eternal Living God, had a discussion with a religious man. They were arguing in order to decide upon the following enigma: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? One of them stated: “The egg was first.”
“Oh right,” stated the other, “it was the egg. But who laid the egg?”
The answer: “Well, the chicken.”
Then, the other one replied, “If the chicken was first, where did the chicken come from?”
The answer: “Well, from the egg.” As you can see, this is a tale that never ends.
Following, the religious man, who was a little impatient, stated: “Could you create an egg the way God has done?”
The materialist answered: “Yes, I can!”
“Do it!” exclaimed the religious man.
Thus, the materialist made an egg which was identical to that of a chicken. This was an egg with its yolk, albumen and shell. Noticing this, the religious man stated: “Wonderful, since you have made an egg, now let us see if it will produce a chicken. Let us place the egg in an incubator in order for the chick to be hatched.”
“Agreed!” stated the materialist. Thus, they placed the egg within the incubator. However, the chick never came out...
The sage, Mr. Alfonso Herrera, author of Plasmogeny, managed to create a cell. However, it was a dead cell which never had life.
Hybridization is performed on plants. A branch from one plant is implanted into another, to supposedly improve the fruits. Thus, this is what the know-it-alls do when desiring to improve nature. Nevertheless, what they do is an absurdity, because hybridized plants do not carry the same natural living force of the megalocosm. Thus, the ingested adulterated fruits come to harm the human body. This is from the energetic point of view.
Nonetheless, materialistic scientists feel satisfied with their experiments. They do not want to understand that each tree captures energy. The tree then transforms and retransmits this energy into its fruits. Therefore, when a tree is altered, the energies of the megalocosm are altered also. Thus, the fruit of a hybrid tree is no longer the same because that fruit is the product of an adultery that harms the organisms.
Regardless, materialistic scientists believe that they know when truthfully they indeed do not know. They do not only ignore, but what is worse, they ignore that they ignore.
Artificial inseminations are made with the famous spermatozoon, with the vivifying cells, which are extracted from an organism. Therefore, in this day and age, based on that artificial inception, materialistic scientists think that they are creating life. They do not acknowledge that they are only utilizing what nature has already made.
Let us put on the laboratory table the chemical elements which are needed in order to fabricate a spermatozoon and an ovum. Let us tell the scientists to make the ovum and the spermatozoon. Could they do it? I say that they could. But, would they have life? Could perhaps a living child come out of it? No, a living child can never, ever come out of it because they do not know how to create life.
Therefore, if they are not even capable of creating the seed of a tree, a seed that can germinate, with what proof do they deny the superior or creative intelligences? What is the basis that materialists have in order to deny the creative intelligences? Why do they pronounce themselves against the Eternal One?
Has any materialistic scientist been able to create life? When?
To play with what nature has already made is something easy, but to create life is different. No scientist can do it...
They divide an amoeba into two, they separate its parts on a laboratory table and they unite it with another piece of micro-organism. Subsequently, they exclaim: “Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! We are creating life!” Nonetheless, they are not capable of creating an amoeba.
Therefore, where is the science of these materialistic gentlemen? When have they demonstrated that they can replace Divinity? The reality of facts shows us that they not only ignore, but what is worse, they ignore that they ignore. Facts are what count and until now they cannot demonstrate that they can do it.
They say that the human being comes from the ape. They came out with the theory of the cynocephalus with a tail, the monkey without a tail and the arboreal men, all of them children of the noeptizoids, etc. But, which of these would then be the missing link? On what day have they found a monkey that is capable of speaking, that is gifted with speech? It has not appeared until now. Therefore, these materialistic gentlemen are ludicrous. They only present us suppositions and not facts.
Let us measure the volume of the brain in the best of the apes and let us compare it with the brain of an uncivilized human being that may be found, for instance, in the tribes of Australia. It is obvious that such an ape would not even reach the capacity of speaking.
Therefore are not the materialists refuting the theories of Darwin himself and his henchmen? Does the human being come from the ape? Upon which basis do they sustain this theory? How do they demonstrate it? Until when are we going to wait for the supposed missing link? We want to see that specie of ape speaking like people. That ape has not appeared, therefore such an ape is only a supposition of nonsense that has no reality.
Why do they speak about things that they do not know? Why do they show us so many cheap utopias? It is simply because they have their consciousness asleep, because they have never become interested in carrying out a psychological revolution within themselves and because they lack the practice of Sexual Super-dynamics. Therefore, the crude reality of the facts is that they are hypnotized.
Whosoever does not practice the teachings of the revolution of the dialectic will fall into the same errors as those of the materialistic scientists.
Materialistic scientists continuously come out with many theories. As an example, we will mention that theory of the natural selection of the species. An insignificant mollusk develops, and from it, through the process of selection, other living species emerge. Thus, their selective processes advance until reaching the level of human being. Can they demonstrate this theory? Obviously not!
We do not deny that in each species certain selective processes do exist. For instance, there are birds that migrate at specific times. One is amazed to see them all gathered, how strange they become. Suddenly, they pick up flight in order to cross the ocean and on their way, they die. However, only the strongest ones survive the attempt. The ones that survive the attempt transmit their characteristics to their descendants. This is how the selective law works.
There are species that incessantly struggle against marine monsters and on the basis of so many struggles they become strong. Thus, they transmit their characteristics to their descendants.
There are beasts that on the basis of so many struggles become stronger and stronger each time. Hence, this is how they transmit their psychological characteristics to their descendants.
However, this law of natural selection has never been able to present to us a new species upon the stage of existence. Nonetheless, there are many who have given to this law of natural selection the characteristics of a Creator.
A great deal has also been stated about the protoplasm, that hypothetical protoplasm which was submerged within a salty sea millions of years ago. They allege that from that protoplasm universal life emerged.
The materialistic protists make their henchmen (who are ignorant like themselves) believe that the psychological development of the intellectual animal (mistakenly called a human) comes from the molecular development of the protoplasm and that this psychological development marches parallel to that of the processes of the protoplasm.
The protists demand that the consciousness (or whichever way they may want to call it) must be the outcome of the evolution of the protoplasm throughout the centuries. This is the presumption of the protists, who believe themselves to be gifted with sapience.
Haeckel’s atomic monera comes to my memory. The monera is that hypothetical atom that in foregone times was submerged in an aqueous abyss. They state that from this monera all life emerged. This is how Haeckel and his henchmen think.
Never has anything complex (that has not had to undergo different cosmic universal processes) been organized.
The reality is that scientists know nothing about life or death. They do not know where we came from or where we are going. Not by any means do they know what the objective of existence is. Why? It is simply because they have their consciousness asleep, because they have not done the interior revolution of the dialectic, because they are at the level of mass-collective hypnosis due to the lack of the integral revolution that we teach in this book.
Materialistic science marches on the path of error. Materialistic science knows nothing about the origin of the human being. Not by any means does materialistic science know about the inner psychology of the human being.
We do not deny that the law of natural selection has existed. Nevertheless, the law of natural selection has never created anything new.
We do not deny that the species vary throughout time. Nonetheless, the factors of variability of any species only enter into action after their original prototypes have crystallized in the physical world. The original prototypes of any living species previously develop within psychological space, that is, in the superior dimensions of nature.
These original prototypes develop themselves within the superior dimensions which the materialistic scientists deny because they do not perceive them. They do not perceive them because they are psychologically hypnotized.
If they would first come out of their hypnotic state and thereafter talk, then their concepts would be different; nonetheless, they sleep due to the lack of Mental and Sexual Dynamics.
If someone wants to know about the origin of the human being, he has to observe ontogeny. Ontogeny is a recapitulation of phylogeny.
What is ontogeny within anthropology? It is the process of development of the fetus within the maternal womb. If we observe the processes of gestation of a mother, we can then evince that ontogeny is a recapitulation of phylogeny. Phylogeny is a state of evolution and transformation that the human race has undergone throughout the centuries.
Thus, these states which the human race has undergone throughout the centuries are recapitulated by the ontogeny within the maternal womb. Therefore, an ontogenic analysis would lead us to the logical conclusion that the human species and other animal species have a resemblance in their origin and come from the psychological space.
However, the law of natural selection with its different variants or factors that produce variation in the human race, only go into action after the species (whichever they might be) have physically crystallized. Before the physical crystallization, evolving psychological processes occur within the living bosom of nature. These evolving psychological processes are unknown to Haeckel and his henchmen, because in fact they know nothing about the origin of the human being.
How is it possible that materialistic scientists state that certain variations exist (whether it is by accident or in a spontaneous manner) in the different types of living species? Is this statement perhaps not a contradiction?
Are not perhaps the materialistic scientists the ones who state that this universe is the result of force, matter and necessity? Then afterwards, they talk to us about spontaneous variants in a universe of force and necessity. How is this possible? This is how they contradict themselves.
A universe of force, matter and necessity does not admit spontaneous or accidental variations. Nonetheless, variations in the species exist due to something which the materialistic scientists themselves do not know. Therefore, materialistic science does not only ignore, but what is worse, it ignores that it ignores.
Psychoanalytical Gnostic anthropology delves profoundly into the past. It sustains that this present human race which nowadays populates the face of the Earth is nothing but a race of intellectual animals mistakenly called human beings (it is up to you whether or not you will become offended by this). However, the truth is that before this race of intellectual animals existed, Lemurian, Hyperborean, and Polar true human beings existed.
The intellectual animals are derived from Atlantis; they were born in Atlantis.
The real humans (during the times of Lemuria in its last days) withdrew from that world scene. These humans left their physical organisms to the superior elemental creatures of the animal kingdoms.
The race of intellectual animals was preceded by the human beings who formerly existed in Lemuria, in the Hyperborean continent and in the northern polar cap (which in that epoch was situated in the equatorial zone). What does psychoanalytic Gnostic anthropology base itself upon in order to affirm this? Why does it state this?
To sustain that this psychoanalytic Gnostic anthropology bases itself not only upon all the traditions that come from the books of ancient Egypt, from the books of the land of the Incas, from the books of the lands of the Mayas, and from Greece, India, Persia, Tibet, etc., but also from the direct investigations of those who have succeeded in awakening their consciousness through a psychological revolution.
Through this book we are delivering all the systems which are necessary in order to awaken the consciousness.
Thus, when you awaken your consciousness, you will be able to investigate and verify for yourselves what I emphatically affirm.
It is necessary to awaken the consciousness in order to touch, see, hear and feel with it and in order to not be a victim of the theories of Haeckel, Darwin, Huxley, and his henchmen.
So, before this race of intellectual animals (derived from Atlantis) existed, three Root Races of human being existed, but how could you verify this when your consciousness is asleep? Therefore, only those who succeed in awakening their consciousness will be able to investigate the Akashic Archives of nature.
How was the First Root Race? In what manner did this race exist? Well, according to the investigations that we have performed, the protoplasmic human beings existed in forgone times around 300 million years ago. At that time even the Earth itself was protoplasmic.
Such a protoplasmic Earth was different. It was not the protoplasm of Haeckel, the salty sea plus thousands of other foolishness that had no confirmation, no!
The protoplasmic Root Race was different. This human Root Race floated in the atmosphere. They still had not fallen upon the humid earth.
How did they reproduce themselves and what was their origin? This race had evolved and devolved within the superior dimensions of nature and the cosmos. Thus, after many evolving processes (which surged forth from its original germ located in the chaos, in the magnus limbus, in the illiaster of the world) they finally crystallized upon an Earth which was also protoplasmic. When that Root Race crystallized, they formed the core, the nucleus, and they could just as well assume gigantic figures as well as reduce themselves to a mathematical point.
Upon what do I base myself in order to affirm this? Upon my awakened consciousness! Have I evinced it? Yes, I have evinced it! If you accept the doctrine of reincarnation, so much the better because I was obviously reincarnated in that Root Race and since I am awakened, I cannot forget the evolving and devolving processes of that race. This is why (acknowledging that you are asleep) I give testimony of it before you, because I must deposit all the data that you need in order for you to awaken.
How did that race multiply? How did they reproduce themselves? Not as Master Blavatsky erroneously stated, that they did it in an asexual manner, that they did not need sex for their reproduction. Such an affirmation is erroneous because the force of the Maha-Chohan, the creative energy of the Third Logos, flows in an overwhelming manner in everything that has been and will be. Their type of reproduction was fissiparous; they sexually expressed themselves in a different way. Their organisms divided themselves the way living cells divide. Biology students know very well how an organic cell divides itself: the cytoplasm with a piece of nucleus becomes separated; they do not ignore this.
Ever since then, the fissiparous process remained in our blood and continues occurring in our cells by the millions. Is this not true? Who dares to deny it? I present facts! Do you perhaps believe that such cellular processes do not have a root, an origin? If you would think that way it would be an absurdity because there is no cause without an effect and no effect without a cause. Therefore, we have inherited that process. From whom have we inherited it? We have inherited from the human beings of the First Root Race.
The detached organism could continue developing itself thanks to the fact that it continued capturing, accumulating protoplasm from the surrounding atmosphere.
Later on in time, the Hyperboreans surged forth. These are the beings of whom Friedrich Nietzsche refers. They were people who lived in the horseshoe shaped lands that surround the North Pole, their septentrional country. Have we evinced this? Yes or no? You have not because your consciousness is asleep. Nonetheless, I have evinced this, because I have my consciousness awakened. So, can I deny it? No, I cannot deny it! Thus, if you consider that I am crazy, well, consider me crazy. Nevertheless, I have to give testimony; I have to always teach the truth no matter what the cost might be.
Thus, the Hyperboreans also existed. However, they were no longer as gelatinous as the protoplasmic human beings. Nonetheless, when I discourse in this manner, I am not referring to the cellular soul of Haeckel within that salty sea nor to the famous atomic monera. Let us leave Haeckel and his henchmen with their absurd theories.
Continuing, I now wish to emphatically state that the Hyperborean Root Race was derived from the protoplasmic Root Race. The Hyperboreans were a more psychic race who reproduced themselves through a kind of budding sexuality. For instance, have you seen the corals on the cliffs of the stormy ocean? How from one coral there sprouts another, and from that one, another, and another? There exist plants which by means of their sprouts they continue multiplying themselves. Thus, the same occurred with the Hyperboreans. Certain sprouts appeared in the father-mother’s body. Through these sprouts, this being regulated the sexual force until its sprout was detached and gave rise to a new child. This was the method of reproduction in the Hyperboreans.
In the end, that Root Race submerged itself within the bottom of the stormy Pacific Ocean throughout millions of years of evolutions and devolutions of this fecund nature.
Posteriorly, from the bottom of the seas the gigantic continent Lemuria emerged. The continent Lemuria covered the entire Pacific Ocean. It was here in Lemuria where for the first time the human race rested upon the hard crust of the earth.
So, the Lemurian continent appeared. Nevertheless, the Lemurian continent did not appear through spontaneous generation as Epicurus and his henchmen believed, or through natural selection (a theory that has been elevated to the category of a creative god, which is just a marvelous rhetoric that has come from absurdity).
So, how did it surge forth? In what manner did it?
When in Lemuria the Arboreans or Hyperboreans crystallized, their human bodies took upon a hard shape. Thus, it was in this manner that the Lemurian hermaphrodites appeared. This is how they are symbolized in the gigantic sculptures of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. They walked upon the face of the Earth. In the beginning, they reproduced by detaching an egg cell from their organism and this egg cell developed to give origin to a new creature. That was the epoch in which the phallus and the uterus had not yet been formed; that was the epoch in which the lingam and yoni were germinating. That was the epoch in which the ovary had not yet developed.
The times elapsed in Lemuria and the reproductive system by gemmation appeared. Such a system caused astonishment in that epoch. The hermaphrodite’s ovary received a fecundating cell, in other words, a spermatozoon, in such a manner that when the egg became detached from the ovary of that hermaphrodite, it was already fecundated.
Upon coming to existence, after a certain time of fecundation, the egg opened up and from there a new child emerged. This is why the Nahuas stated, “The Children of the Third Sun transformed themselves into birds,” a wise affirmation from the ancient Nahua culture.
Then, once the end of Lemuria came closer, during their third or fourth sub-race onwards, human beings divided themselves into opposite sexes. Thus, sexual cooperation was then necessary in order to create. Therefore, the present system of sexual cooperation in order to create comes from Lemuria.
It is evident that in order to create, one ovarian egg fecundated by a cell (a spermatozoon) is needed. Thus, only in this manner, in the union of a fertilizing cell with an ovum, is how the original cell with the 48 chromosomes† can surge forth, a cell which we indisputably carry within our interior and within which the 48 laws of our creation are represented.