The Bhagavad-Gita, the holy book of Lord Krishna, says the following:
“The Being is not born, does not die, nor does it reincarnate; it has no origin; it is eternal and changeless; it is the first of all, and does not die when the body passes away.”
Let our Gnostic readers now reflect upon the following contradictory and antithetical verse.
“As one sets aside wom out clothes and puts on new ones, so the embodied Being leaves its spent body and enters other new ones.”
These are two opposing verses from the great Avatar Krishna. If we did not know the key, we would obviously be confused.
“Upon leaving the body, taking the path of the fire, of the light, of the day, of the luminous lunar fortnight and of the northern solstice, those who know Brahma, go towards Brahma.
“Upon death, the yogi who takes the path of smoke of the dark Lunar fortnight and of the southern solstice, reaches the Lunar sphere (the Astral World) and is then reborn (returns, reembodies).
“These two paths, the luminous and the dark, are considered permanent. Through the first, one is emancipated, and through the second, one is reborn (returns).”
We declare that the Being, the Lord incarnated in some perfect creature, can return, reincarnate...
“When the Lord (the Being) acquires a body, or leaves it, He associates with the six senses, or abandons them and passes like the breeze which carries with it the scent of flowers.
“Directing the ears, the eyes, the organs of touch, taste and smell as well as the mind, He experiences the objects of the senses.
“The ignorant and deluded do not see Him when He takes a body, when He leaves it or has experiences associated with the Gunas. Whereas, those who have the eyes of wisdom do see Him.”
The following verse of Lord Krishna, as an extraordinary document on the doctrine of reincarnation, is worth meditating on.
“Oh, Bharata! Every time that religion deteriorates and irreligion prevails, I incarnate anew (in other words I reincarnate) to protect the good, destroy evil and establish religion, I incarnate (or reincarnate) in different times.”
From all these verses of Lord Krishna, two conclusions can be logically drawn:
1. Those who know Brahma go to Brahma and can, if they so desire, return, embody, reincarnate, to carry out the Great Work of the Father.
2. Those who have not dissolved the ego, the self, the me, myself, go, after death, along the path of smoke, of the dark lunar fortnight and the southern solstice, reaching the Lunar sphere and are then reborn, return, reembody in this painful vale of Samsara.
The doctrine of the great Avatar Krishna teaches that only the Gods, Demi-Gods, Divine Sovereigns, Titans, and Devas reincarnate.
To “return” is something very different: unquestionably, it is the return of the Kalpas, Yugas, Mahamanvantaras, Maha-Pralayas, etc.
The Law of Eternal Return of all things is always combined with the Law of Recurrence.
The egos return incessantly to repeat dramas, scenes, and events, here and now. The past is projected towards the future through the passage of the present.
The word reincarnation is most demanding; it must not be used carelessly: No one would be able to reincarnate without first having eliminated the ego, without truly possessing sacred Individuality.
Incarnation is a very venerable word, signifying in fact the reembodiment of the Divine in a man.
Reincarnation is the repetition of such a cosmic event, a new manifestation of the Divine...
We are in no way exaggerating concepts by emphasizing the transcendental idea that reincarnation is only possible for “Golden Embryos,” which have achieved the glorious union with the Super-Soul in any cycle of manifestation.
It would be absurd to confuse reincarnation with return. We would be making the worst kind of mistake to attest that the ego, legion of dark, sinister, twisted “I’s,” can reincarnate.