The Holy Grail
The Holy Grail shines in the deep night of all the ages. During the Crusades, the Medieval knights searched fruitlessly for the Holy Grail in the Holy Land, but they never found it.
When the prophet Abraham returned from war against the kings of Sodom and Gomorra, it is said that he encountered Melchizedek, the Genie of the Earth. Certainly, this great Being dwelled in a fortress situated exactly in the place where, much later, Jerusalem, the city beloved by the Prophets was built.
Centuries of legend have it that Abraham celebrated the Gnostic Unction with the sharing of bread and wine in the presence of Melchizedek. This is known to both divine and humans alike.
It would be worthwhile to say that at that time Abraham surrendered tithes and his first fruits to Melchizedek, as is written in the book of the law.
Abraham received the Holy Grail from the hands of Melchizedek. Much later in time, this goblet ended up in the temple of Jerusalem.
There is no doubt that the Queen of Sheba served as a mediator at this event. She appeared before King Solomon with the Holy Grail, and only after subjecting him to rigorous tests did she deliver unto him so precious a jewel.
The great Kabir Jesus drank from that goblet in the holy ceremony of the Last Supper, just as is written in the Four Gospels.
Joseph of Arimathaea filled the chalice with blood which flowed from the wounds of the Adored One on Mount Calvary.
When the Roman police searched the abode of this Senator, they did not find this precious jewel.
Not only did the Roman Senator hide this precious jewel in the ground, but he also kept with it the spear of Longinus with which the Roman centurion had pierced the side of the Lord.
Joseph of Arimathaea was incarcerated in a dreadful prison for not wanting to hand over the Holy Grail.
When said Senator was let out of jail, he went to Rome, taking the Holy Grail with him.
Arriving in Rome, Joseph of Arimathaea encountered the persecution of Christians by Nero, and he left by the shores of the Mediterranean.
One night while sleeping, an Angel appeared to him and said, “This chalice holds great power because within it can be found the blood of the Redeemer of the World.” Joseph of Arimathaea, obeying the Angel’s orders, buried the chalice in a temple located in Montserrat, in Cataluña, Spain.
With time, this chalice has become invisible, together with the temple and part of the mountain.
The Holy Grail is the vessel of Hermes, the cup of Solomon, the precious urn of all the temples of mysteries.
The Holy Grail was never missing from the Altar-stone of the Alliance, in the form of a cup or goblet within which was placed the manna from the desert.
The Holy Grail emphatically allegorizes the female yoni. Within this holy cup is the nectar of immortality, the Soma of the mystics, the supreme drink of the Holy Gods.
The Red Christ drinks from the Holy Grail at the supreme hour of Christification, so it is written in the Gospel of the Lord.
Never is the Holy Grail missing from the altar of the temple. Obviously, a priest must drink the wine of light from the sacred cup.
It would be absurd to imagine a temple of mysteries within which the blessed cup of all ages is missing.
This brings to mind Guinevere, the Queen of Jinn Knights, who poured wine into the delicious cups of SUFRA and MANTI for Lancelot.
Immortal Gods nourish themselves with the drink contained within the sacred cup; those who hate the blessed cup blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.
The Superman must nourish himself with the nectar of immortality, which is contained in the divine chalice of the temple.
Transmutation of the creative energy is fundamental when one wishes to drink from the sacred vessel.
The Red Christ, always revolutionary, always rebellious, always heroic, always triumphant, raises a toast to the Gods when drinking from the golden chalice.
Raise your cup aloft and take care not to spill even a drop of the precious wine.
Remember that our motto is Thelema (willpower).
From within the depths of the chalice (the symbolic figure of the female sexual organ) flames spring forth which blaze on the glowing face of the real human being.
Ineffable Gods of all the galaxies always drink of the nectar of immortality in the eternal chalice.
In time, the chill of the Moon brings about devolution. It is necessary to drink from the sacred wine of light in the Holy Vessel of Alchemy.
The purple of the sacred kings, the royal crown and flaming gold are only for the Red Christ.
The Lord of Lightning and Thunder grasps the Holy Grail in his right hand and drinks the wine of gold to nourish himself.
In fact, those who spill the vessel of Hermes during chemical copulation become sub-human creatures of the underworld.
Everything that has been written here can be found fully documented in my book entitled The Perfect Matrimony.