Remedies for Cancer
What is cancer...? We answer this question by emphasizing the idea that it is the disorderly and anarchical development of cells in the patient’s own organism. Is cancer contagious? The scientific experiments performed in the Institute for Experimental Medicine of Argentina were conclusive. The scientists placed sick rats and healthy rats together in the same cage. Unquestionably, they did not discover any type of contagion. Rats of different sexes were placed within such properly controlled experiments and were found without contagion. In the scientific world, it has been stated that rats that were fed with cancerous tumors did not become infected.They affirm that rats that were injected with the blood of a sick animal remained immune, without contagion.
Can any type of wound cause cancer? This type of question has an extraordinary importance from the civil and legal points of view, because of the claims that could be made for compensation of work accidents. These claims could be attributed as causes of cancer that any given employee can acquire from a work injury. It is clear that little wounds frequently repeated in the same place could be the cause of this terrible sickness, yet for only one wound, even if it is a strong wound, the answer is a decisive NO.
For this intelligent scientific conclusion, what was taken into account were the bullet wounds produced during the First World War of 1914-1918.
Does a germ produce cancer? Official science affirms that no, it does not. They emphasize the concept that this frightful sickness is not caused by any type of microbe or germ.
Revolutionary, scientific Gnosticism permits itself, with all respect, the liberty of disagreeing. We, the Gnostics, affirm the existence of the “cancro,” the microbe or germ of cancer.
Is cancer transmittable? It is obvious that after many experiments, official science answers with a categorical NO. Nevertheless, exceptions do exist; for example: cancer was inoculated into a rat that was nourished with a diet poor in copper and low in catalase. The result was positive; the rat became infected. It is indubitable that always when this experiment has been repeated, the same results have been obtained.
In another experiment, cancer was inoculated into a rat that had been previously prepared with a diet very rich in copper and catalase. The result was negative; the rat was not infected. Official science has discovered that hydrogen peroxide, “oxygenated water,” particularly increases the catalase and protects against the undesirable development of cancer.
We understand that the germ of cancer, the terrible “cancro,” is developed within organisms that are deficient in copper and catalase. It is unquestionable that the “cancro” cannot be seen, not even through the most potent electro-microscopes. However, if this dreadful sickness can be transmitted to organisms that are poor in copper and catalase, then it is obvious that such a microbe does exist.
The cancer germ itself develops and unfolds within the fourth dimension. It only allows itself to be observed in the tri-dimensional world through its destructive effects.
Undoubtedly, a very powerful electro-microscope will be invented in the future. Then, the “cancro” will be perceptible to the ultra-modern scientists.
It is clear that this fatal germ arrives to the planet Earth submerged within electromagnetic currents from the constellation of Cancer. By all means, cancer is the karma of fornication. It is obvious that ancient wise men knew in depth this very special type of nemesis [karma].
Here in Mexico, there is a very special plant that can cure cancer. I want to emphatically refer to a certain bush-plant that is known in the region of Ixmiquilpan, state of Idalgo. The name of this bush-plant is “aranto.” Ancient aboriginal people baptized this plant with the indigenous name of “aulaga.”
The complete data, which is delivered by our beloved Gnostic brother Alfonso Silva, is very interesting.
“Mr. Mario Aponte, chief of the office of the former Electric Force and Light Company from the Mexican Republic, Misquiahuala, Idalgo, was attacked by a sickness in his gums. It is obvious that he did not acknowledge it. He then traveled to Mexico City with the good purpose of consulting the physicians from the electricians’ union. They diagnosed him with cancer of the mouth.
“Unsatisfied with such a diagnosis, the mentioned gentleman consulted with other doctors. However, the diagnosis given by all of them was the same.
“Mr. Aponte returned to Misquiahuala very afflicted. Obviously, he could not remain absent from his office for a long time.
“This cited gentleman narrated that a little old lady from that region made a commitment to heal him with a vegetal tea, which she herself would give him to drink in her presence. This was because she feared the patient would not drink the remedy on his own.
“The results were extraordinary. In the period of eight months, Mr. Aponte was radically cured.
“He continued drinking the old lady’s tea. It was not necessary for her to give him the tea or to beg him to drink it, because the cited man asked for it daily.
“One month later, the doctors of Mexico City had to acknowledge with astonishment that the cancer had disappeared.”
The Gnostic brother Alfonso Silva continued by saying:
“To this date, among all the people to whom I have offered the aranto or aulaga, I remember the name of Mrs. Luisa Lara de Barroeta, who is my sister-in-law. She was near to being operated on within the Social Security Institute for a cancerous tumor. It was the type of tumor in the womb, something very grave.
“This sick woman became radically healed by drinking infusions of aranto, and to this day she lives totally cured.”
Thus, our Frater Silva continues by telling us the following:
“Mr. Agustin Uribe’s spouse (we do not wish to reveal her address) was prepared by physicians to have a tumor from her liver extracted. Yet, when they verified that this was a cancerous tumor, they immediately stitched her up, obviously declaring her a lost case. She had no chance since the doctors found her abdominal cavity filled with cancerous tumors.
“However, this sick woman was definitively healed with the aranto and still lives thanks to the astonishing virtues of this bush-plant.”
The distinguished physician, Doctor of Medicine Jacinto Juarez Parra from the National University of Mexico, tested the power of this bush-plant on a cancerous, terminally ill woman, already without hope. In this case it was indeed very difficult and not possible to save the life of this sick woman. I think that when the organism is already totally destroyed because of this sickness, every remedy fails.
Dr. Juarez considers that research with the electronic microscope can and must be performed on this whole plant. By centrifugation, the nucleus, the lysosomes, the ribosomes, and the microsomes must be separated in order to make a spectro-photometric analysis of each one of the parts of this plant. This would be for the intelligent purpose of discovering its colloids, enzymes, and its print or oligo element.
It must be investigated, says Dr. Juarez, to see which intracellular portions of this cited plant effectively act over the cancer. The mentioned physician continues saying that every cancerous patient, who is diagnosed through stimulating cytology and biopsy, will be medicated with the “Aranto,” as well as dosages of catalase and copper, and later he will again make another measurement with the diagnostic data. Catalase and copper are low in cancerous people, and this has already been completely demonstrated. It is necessary to investigate the amount of sanguineous catalase and the dosage of copper in the plasma. Any organism poor in catalase and copper is a proper field for the complete development of the dreadful “cancro.”
It has been broadcasted that the pseudo-sapient scientists offer hundreds of millions of dollars to the person who can deliver to them an effective formula that will cure cancer. The great multimillionaire Rockefeller has offered his ultra-modern laboratories to those who wish to experiment in the department of cancer research. The power of healing is not obtained with money and this is the failure of therapeutics for the determined and deadly sicknesses of this day and age.
Radium (chemotherapy) does not cure cancer. The radium waves burn the living cells, and if indeed a regression of the evolving process of the sickness is obtained, the cancer re-appears much later with yet more violence. Thus, the victim irremediably dies.
Through me, the venerable White Lodge freely delivers to humanity the infallible formula in order to cure cancer. Moreover, it despises the filth of money and for the same reason rejects the offered retribution. The formula is as follows:
Rum (alcoholic beverage) must be poured within a mate gourd (the fruit of the mate gourd with its pulp comes from a tree found in the hot regions of Colombia, and is often used by the peasants as utensils for the kitchen), along with mineral charcoal, “paraguay” (Scoparia dulcis, L., a plant that is found in mild climates and is also called “escudilla,” similar to the wormseed plant), and lemon. The whole of this is left to macerate for fifteen days. Then, the patient should drink it by little cupfuls, one every hour.
Bathe the body with a decoction of the leaves and roots from the apricot tree. During the bath, pronounce the mantra “Rotando” as you drink the medicine, like this:
Roooooooooooooo Taaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn Doooooooooooooooooo
Before collecting the plants that are in the composition of this formula, one must walk in a circle, from right to left, from south to north, around each one of the plants, and while performing this, one must beg each of the elementals to heal the cancer.
Afterwards, the plants are caressed, blessed, and then collected. When the components are within the mate gourd, the mantra “Rotando” must be pronounced as we already explained. Then, with all the might of our willpower, the elementals of the plants must be commanded in order to heal the sick person.
The elementals are the life of the plants. Only life can fight against sickness and death. The seminal force of the plants are the instrument of the elementals.
Cancer, External
For the external cancerous ulcer.
- Phenolic acid, quarter of an ounce
- Camphor, half of a gram
- Crystallized menthol, 20 centigrams
- Nitric acid, quarter of an ounce
Gently brush this on the cancerous ulcer three times a day and apply the following pomade:
- Simple vaseline
- Permanganate
- Tincture of iodine, 5 to 7 drops
- Crystallized menthol
- Phenolic acid, 3 to 5 drops
- Starch
The external cancer will disappear with this treatment.
Second Procedure to Cure Cancer
Finally, after many investigations and painful battles, we have discovered the marvelous and very efficacious plant that radically cures cancer. We can say goodbye to cancer with this plant that is within our reach.
The mentioned plant is the “ojaransin.” Let the research of this plant be performed by those demented people, those who oppose the wisdom of Nature and who believe they have everything within their laboratories. Those false scientists (who abdicate reason because they derive their observations and knowledge from the microscope), arrive at boastful conclusions with a good amount of money in their pockets.
Well then, this important plant that we are occupying ourselves with, the “ojaransin,” must be boiled in order to use in baths and in beverages.
This plant is very common in the state of Bolivar, Colombia. It grows in swampy areas. It is small in size, with lanceolate leaves, some of them possessing grayish points.
This plant also grows by the shores of rivers. Its name is indigenous. It is very well known by the Indians (the Majaguas), who inhabit the regions that are close to the community of Majagual (which is situated between the rivers San Jorge and Cauca, at the foot of Mojana’s Jet, north of Sierra Ayapel, south of the state of Bolivar and bordered with Antioquia).
Upon their indigenous altars, the Majagua Indians hold this plant as a very sacred item. They utilize the elemental of this plant for important works of practical magic. This vegetal elemental looks like a completely naked child of some 20 centimeters in height. His two eyes look like two lanterns.
For Cancer
The rattlesnake cures cancer. The rattles and the head of the snake are eliminated (these parts are useless); the skin can be taken off. The meat is then dried under the sun, or at low heat (in the kitchen); when the meat is dried, it should be crushed and ground to a fine powder. Pour this substance into empty capsules in order to consume it. Take these capsules every two or three hours, in accordance with the sickness, and decrease the amount of capsules until eradicating this illness. Do not eat any type of meat.
Another formula:
Cut off the rattles and the head of the snake. Set the meat out to dry under the sun. Once the meat is dry, pulverize it. Then, consume one spoonful of this powder mixed with three spoonfuls of olive oil, two times a day. If the cancer is external, then the powder must be applied to the sick part.
Testimony about Cancer
After having delivered the formula of the rattlesnake, the number of people who have been cured from cancer can be counted by the thousands.
Ninety-nine percent of the cancer patients have been healed by means of the rattlesnake.
Therefore, the Gnostic medics have triumphed. Yet, the doctors of official science have not triumphed due to the following factors.
- Incredibility and skepticism.
- The tendency of administering other aids, other remedies, other medications to the patient.
It is obvious that the rattlesnake remedy is extremely jealous. If another remedy is administered to the cancer patient, the marvelous therapeutic effect of the rattlesnake is completely destroyed.
Moreover, one must know how to administer this remedy to the patient.
Head and rattles must be removed from the serpent. Only the meat of its trunk (which must be reduced to a powder) can be utilized in order to heal the patient.
It is clear that in order to cure the poor cancer patient, the powder of the pulverized meat must be put into capsules.
Dosage: One large capsule every hour.
Consecutively consume this remedy until the cancer is totally cured.
Any other remedy is absolutely prohibited. Not even analgesics like aspirin, etc., are accepted, because otherwise the curative power of the rattlesnake is lost.
In the name of truth, I emphatically affirm that cancer is no longer a problem.
Cancer is a problem for the “foolish scientists” of this frightful age of the Antichrist, but never for the Gnostic medics who work with the rattlesnake.