Magic from the Woodlands
There exist in the woodlands, in the mountains and villages, certain magical prayers that are very simple, yet of tremendous power.
Many times we have become overwhelmed over certain extraordinary magical events. Then, when we investigated, we discovered the formulae of such magical events.
Such formulae stand out because of their simplicity.
Obviously, those who use such formulae are people who are extraordinarily simple and filled with a terrific and frightening faith.
Once upon a time (it does not matter when), a certain worker from the Summum Supremum Sanctuarium from the Sierra Nevada was gravely wounded on his foot. Immediately and filled with faith, I recited for him a magical prayer which instantaneously stopped the hemorrhage that was coming out of his wound.
This prayer is the following:
With the blood of Adam, death was born; with the blood of Christ, life was born. Oh blood, stop flowing out!
Jinn Marvels - Nahualism
People who are very civilized, who always laugh at the magic of the woodlands, sometimes pass through very tremendous surprises.
I knew the case of a “Nahual” who knew how to transport himself to remote distances while in a Jinn state, through the fourth dimension.
The formula was extremely simple: That man, filled with faith and without admitting a single atom of doubt into his mind, walked on his hands and feet, while imitating a mule with his imagination and willpower. Then, while walking around the whole patio of his house, he recited the following magic prayer:
Here is where the lame mule has passed through; here is where it has passed through, through here, through here.
That Nahual believed himself to be a mule; he had no doubts about it; he was inebriated with that image while reciting that prayer.
Undoubtedly, the moment in which he submerged himself within the fourth dimension always arrived. He took on an animalistic form. This is not unusual among the Nahual people. Even when the modern scientists deny these types of magical incidents, it does not matter, because by no means will the “Nahual” people and “Nahualism” cease to exist.
If medical science would truly know about the human body, then it would never doubt the “Nahual” people, nor would they doubt the famous “Nahualism,” which is the magic of the woodlands.
When submerged within the fourth dimension, a physical body can change its shape. When submerged within the superior dimensions of Nature, a physical body can float in space.
If a Nahual wants to assume the shape of an eagle, then it is enough for him to recite this magical prayer:
Here is where the flying eagle has passed through; here is where it has passed through, through here, through here.
It is obvious that imagination and willpower, united in a vibrating harmony, accompanied with action and immense faith, permits the “Nahual” person to put his physical body inside the superior dimensions of Nature.
Thus, by means of action, imagination, and willpower harmoniously united the physical body can take the shape of the eagle. Then, one can really fly like an eagle.
When we say action, imagination, and willpower harmoniously united, we must be clearly comprehended.
If we are going to take the shape of an eagle, then we must imagine that our arms are the wings and that our feet and legs are eagle’s feet and legs and that the whole of our body is an eagle’s body.
Thus, with the imagination and willpower united in a vibrating harmony, filling ourselves with a frightful and immense faith, we will walk inside of our room moving the wings or arms, being absolutely sure that we are eagles, while pronouncing the prayer: “Here is where the flying eagle has passed through, here is where it has passed through, through here, through here.”
It is obvious that imagination and willpower, united in a vibrating harmony, and when accompanied with actions, produce astral inebriation. Then, the physical body, tremendously saturated with imponderable fluid, really takes on the shape of the eagle.
When reaching this point of High Magic, the physical body penetrates into the fourth vertical. If we toss ourselves into fearless flight, then we can travel upon the clouds to any place of the world.
The white Nahual must never be preoccupied with the return, which is performed quite normally when one wishes to do so.
The magical formula that we have taught can be used to take the shape of any other animal.
For example: if the Nahual wants to take the shape of a white dove, then he will utilize the magical formula by saying:
Here is where the flying dove has passed through; here is where it has passed through, through here, through here.
Once this is said, then such a shape will be intentionally taken by means of imagination and willpower united in a vibrating harmony, without forgetting the practical action.
Much has been written in these times about occult matters. Yet, it is truly lamentable that the aspirants do not know about white Nahualism.
We, the Gnostics, are eminently practical. We do not like to waste our time miserably. We want our disciples to travel with their physical bodies within the superior dimensions of Nature.
When we want to take the shape of any animal, it is convenient to get up from our beds in the instant of being sleepy. Then, by walking inside of our own room, whether in a shape of an eagle, whether in a shape of a white dove, whether in a shape of a sheep or lion, etc., we must work with the magical formula as indicated in this chapter.
The dream has to be kept as a precious treasure, by being careful of not losing it in the instant of getting up from our bed, in order to make the experiment.
Every Gnostic medic must learn to travel with his physical body in a Jinn state, in order to assist his patients from a distance.
The Angel Anael likes to convert himself into an innocent dove, in order to travel through the space of mystery.
The Buddhas of Compassion enjoy taking the marvelous shape of the lions of the law, and this is not a crime.