Healing Sanctuaries
We are in a solitary spot of a tropical forest. Here everything breathes a profound mysterious air. A long time ago, a race of illuminated sages once lived in this place, before our beloved Americas were invaded by the Spanish hordes.
In this stead named Coveñas, in the state of Bolivar close to the town of San Andres, Colombia, is where some Gnostic sages of an indigenous race still live. We are at the outlook of an enchanted well. A silvester, a creepy crawling creature called a “cienpies” (centipede) by the natives of that region walks around the well, then it disappears within the waters.
Everything is saturated by a mysterious air. Some mummies that have become petrified over the centuries seem like they are spying upon all of our actions.
We are before the presence of a healing sanctuary.
Some pilgrims who come from distant lands in search of health are muttering prayers of pity. This is the way they ask permission from the defunct Mama who heals to enter into his sanctuary where his mummy seems to smile.
It is an essential obligation for all the pilgrims to ask permission of the defunct one in order to move ahead. When the pilgrim violates this precept, then the sky fills with dense, large, black clouds and a terrible tempest is unleashed. It seems as if the indignant Mama is whipping the region with his fiery whip.
Some riches (that no one dares to touch because they are enchanted) exist in this stead.
When approaching the mummy, these pilgrims collect some plants, soil or metals, with which they are miraculously cured...
This Mama, in spite of being dead, keeps commanding and healing. Undoubtedly, he is a king and priest of the universe.
This is what a Gnostic priest is, he is a king and a priest of the universe, who knows how to command and to bless.
The healing sanctuary of every Gnostic doctor must have its altar made of cypress wood or scented wood. It is necessary to wash the wooden altar with hot water and perfumed soap before it is consecrated.
The altar-table is consecrated when it is rubbed with a sponge imbibed with rose water and when it is smeared with a mastic made from white virgin wax, evergreen resin, frankincense, aloe, thyme, pine resin, and smyrna incense.
The altar-table can also be made out of cedar wood, which is the wood of Joseph the initiate, the father of Jesus of Nazareth. Cedar has great occult powers.
The gigantic cedars of the forests communicate amongst themselves by means of lugubrious thuds which resound in remote sites on Good Thursdays and Good Fridays.
A tablecloth must always be over the altar-table of the healing sanctuary and over this a folded tablecloth is placed which is embroidered with pictures that represent dramas from Christ’s Passion. These embroidered tablecloths are similar to the corporal of the Roman Church.
The cups and sacred chalices, as well as the vessels that are filled with vegetable substances that are given to the sick people to drink, must be placed over the embroidered tablecloth.
The phial filled with perfumes (which is a metallic cylindrical and prismatic cup, with a base or foot of a goblet) must not be missing on this altar-table either. This phial must have over its lid a little metallic tower or little metallic flag made out of tin or copper, which are the metals of Jupiter and Venus.
In order to cure the sick person, the patient must be surrounded by intense perfumes. Frankincense is the principal vehicle for the curative waves of the mind of the medic-magician, in combination with the vegetable elementals.
Some aromatic plants can be added to the frankincense such as flowers of cyprus, spikenard, saffron, amber, calamus, aloe and powder from spices.
The Gnostic medic will never use perfumes or scented substances which contain mineral substances, because those are used in order to perform black magic.
The perfumes shall be blessed with the following prayer:
Praise be thou, oh Lord our God, King of the world, who created all the species of aromas.
Tibetan medicine divides the scented essences into five groups: repugnant, penetrating, piquant, aromatic, rancid and savory.
Sick people who require curative perfumes will be medicated with the utensil for perfumes.
Perfumed candles shall never be missing upon the altar of the Gnostic medic, because the fire of the candles acts in an effective way over the subconsciousness of the sick person. In Tibet, the philosopher Mahayana wrote a whole book about the preparation of perfumed candles.
The Gnostic medic must extinguish the fire of a candle within a cup of wine after every curative operation. This is an action of thanksgiving to the Gods of Fire.
In every healing sanctuary, twelve balls of cloth filled with aromatic herbs must be hung from the ceiling. Each ball will contain the corresponding herbs related to the zodiacal sign. Therefore, the twelve balls will contain the herbs of the twelve zodiacal signs.
A sick person will feel an improvement in health begin when inhaling the curative perfumes of his or her zodiacal sign.
The folklorist Garay describes in his book Traditions and Chants from Panama how the shamans envelop the sick people with perfumes and how these shamans chant mantras to them while they are medicated.
The healing sanctuaries must have a floor of white and black tiles and the Gnostic medic must use a colored robe in his sanctum. Evil thoughts must never profane the sanctuary whose portal must have this inscription displayed:
Thou Who Enters, Leave Thy Evil Thoughts Behind