Return and Reincarnation
Behold, I am here in Parral in front of the grave of the General Pancho Villa. I call with a great voice, I invoke, I beckon…
The sails palpitate, shaken by the nocturnal breeze, as the wings of birds in flight, and the air upon the face of the gusting whirl minutely wrinkles the blue silk, a silken yarn of crystal stamens.
Then, someone terrible from within the profundity of the black sepulchre answers. It is the phantom of the noble general…
He upbraids me with severe words… His ex-personality gets up, he recognizes me, because I was also in the Division of the North. I enrolled with my people in his army.
Then, I exclaim, “Go back now into your sepulchre!” Thus, that shadow returned into the sepulchral fossa…
Later on, I visited some other pantheons. I invoked my ancient comrades of battle. Thus, they came unto my call, dispersing races and trampling upon centuries…
Amazingly, the laws of time were girding each soul to its tomb, who with a lugubrious howling was shouting, “Here I am…!”
Thus, oh God of mine…! From within every sepulchre was emerging, as by dint of magic, some of my comrades who died on the field of battle…
All of them recognized me… I conversed with all of them. Then after, each one of them returned into his sepulchral fossa…!
After all of this, I remained meditative: what do the pseudo-esotericists know about this? What do the pseudo-occultists say about this theme?…
It is obvious that three things go into the sepulchre: the physical body, the vital depth of it, and the personality that slowly dissolves…
It is unquestionable that not all goes into the sepulchre. There is something that continues beyond. I am referring to Seth, the ego, the myself.
By no means do we exaggerate if we emphasise the correct idea that what survives is a bunch of devils (“I”s)…
It is obvious that a psychic Essence exists within ourselves. Unfortunately, it is bottled up within all of those devil “I”s.
Such devil “I”s commonly concur to the spiritualist centers. They then penetrate into the bodies of the mediums and identify themselves.
The world gains nothing with those mediumistic, tenebrous experiments. The karma for such mediumistic people is epilepsy in their subsequent lives...
Seth, the pluralized “I,” does not reincarnate. Seth, the pluralized “I,” only comes back, returns, or re-incorporates himself within new physical organisms, that is all.
The word “reincarnation” is very demanding. The doctrine of Krishna teaches that only the Gods, Devas, Divine Kings, Demi-Gods, etc., etc. reincarnate. Unfortunately, in the western world, this term has been abundantly abused…
In ancient times, in Tibet, the reincarnations were celebrated with great festivities…
We need to die from moment to moment if indeed what we want is to individualize ourselves…
The pluralized “I” excludes any type of individuality…
By no means can individuality exist where there is the coexistence of multiple entities (“I’s”), who quarrel amongst themselves and who originate within ourselves various psychological contradictions…
Therefore, reincarnation is only for sacred individuals…
When Seth dies in an integral way, then only the Being remains within ourselves. The Being is the one who gives us authentic individuality…
When Seth is disintegrated in a total way, then the consciousness, the Soul, is liberated and becomes radically awakened. Thus, the interior illumination arrives…
It is obvious that much later, we must attain the Upper-Individuality, if indeed what we aspire to is the Final Liberation.
In proportion, as we elevate ourselves throughout the marvellous gradation of this complete revolutionary dev-elopment, we then become completely aware of the fact that in the previous levels that we were working in, we almost always committed the mistake of confounding the shadows with the realities.
When we have achieved the Final Liberation, throughout many deaths and renunciations, each time more and more terrific, then, any Mayavic Veil will cease to exist for ourselves.