Evolution and Devolution
In ancient times, the great sage Anaximenes of Miletus emphasized the idea that the number of inhabitable worlds is infinite.
Hence, Anaximenes proposed that life, which vibrates and palpitates upon the face of the earth, originated from the oceanic mud or mire, and that later, little by little, with the coming of innumerable centuries, it adapted to the environment.
Anaximenes very seriously thought that all of the living species, including the intellectual animal, mistakenly called human being, are descendants from archaic oceanic creatures.
Epicurus believed in “spontaneous generation” and his ideas intensely resonated in the intellectual environment of the XVII and XVIII centuries. There is no need to mention that Newton and Harvey accepted this theory.
Jan Baptista van Helmont believed that the clue of life exclusively resided in fermentation, and he even gave himself the luxury of proposing methods in order to generate scorpions and other living creatures. The most amusing was his famous recipe to create or generate mice:
“If one squeezes a dirty shirt through the mouth of a jar that contains some wheat grains, then the fermentation exuded by the dirty shirt, altered by the smell of the wheat grains, will give, at the end of twenty-one days, the transformation of wheat into mice.”
Indeed, it is obvious that such a recipe, in its depth, is one hundred percent frightfully ludicrous.
In the year 1765, the intellectual world amidst the lower countries was agitated by tremendous discussions revolving around bacteria and the protozoan. Many believed that such microscopic organisms developed themselves in a natural and spontaneous way. However, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek suspected that these organisms were originating in the air.
Meanwhile, Georges Luis Leclerc de Buffon, the very famous French naturalist (to whom we owe the much-discussed theory of the collision between the Sun and a comet, with which many have attempted to explain the origin of the solar system of Ors where all of us live) gave a skilful, scientific explanation related with the disquieting theme of spontaneous generation.
He stated that living matter is composed of “organic molecules.” During the process of putrefaction, this matter is capable of readjusting itself alone, in order to form new organisms from recently dead matter.
It is evident that the sophism of such an absurd explanation is found based on that “spontaneous readjustment,” which is done haphazardly, in other words, without an intelligent, pivotal, directing principle.
Pierre Simon Marquis de Laplace, the author of the so-called nebular theory which states that a solar nebula, or gaseous cloud, was where the Sun and planets were formed (in the origin of the solar system) by condensation, suggested the idea that plants and animals of this world in which we live in owe their existence to the solar rays.
The most intense intellectual conflict of the XIX century had its scenario upon the field of Pasteur and Darwin’s ideas.
The very thorny subject related with the inferior forms of life and spontaneous generation instilled violent debates when Charles Darwin made his theory of evolution public.
Louis Pasteur, armrest for the lance, lunged himself against the dogma of evolution when he ridiculed Jules Michelet, who in an absurd way described life as originating within a drop of maritime water, very rich in nitrogen and a little mucosity or fecundating jelly. He stated that possibly, at the end of 10,000 years, it would have evolved to the dignity of an insect, and afterwards, during the period of 100,000 of years, to that of an ape, and a human being.
Louis Pasteur wisely invalidated the theory of spontaneous generation when he stated: “No, presently, we do not know of any circumstance in which we can affirm that microscopic creatures have undergone transformation or putrefaction in such a way, without germs or predecessors similar to them, as to spontaneously generate new organisms within themselves. Therefore, all of those who pretend to contradict this reality are nothing less than toys from illusions, victims of wrongly performed experiments filled with errors which they cannot explain or avoid.”
Pasteur showed to the audience who attentively was listening to him a jar containing fermentable matter stored for many years. It is obvious that because such a container was hermetically sealed, the micro-organisms of the air could not penetrate within its interior. Therefore, such matter did not ferment.
Charles Darwin wrote the following in a letter dated prior to the year 1871:
“It has been frequently stated that all the necessary conditions for the first generation of an organism are now presently found and could have always been present. Nonetheless, [and behold, indeed, the doubtful reason of his statement], if we can conceive that in a small and warm puddle, with all type of ammoniac and phosphoric acid salts, light, heat, electricity, etc., there was chemically formed a compound of protein ready to even undergo more complex variations, presently such matter would be instantaneously devoured or absorbed. However, this would not have happened before the formation of living creatures.”
When Louis Pasteur dissipated into cosmic dust the theory of spontaneous generation, he also annulled the foundation of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and transformation.
Life in itself, including the lowest and most elemental life, such as bacteria, can only emerge from other life.
The germs of existence sleep during the profound night of the great Pralaya within the bosom of the Abstract Absolute Space, and come into cosmic manifestation when the dawn of the Mahamanvantara is initiated.
During the Cosmic Day, the living germs are submitted to the laws of evolution and devolution, rhythm, vibration, numbers, measurement, and weight.
Each specie has in itself its living prototype, its original germs.
The living germs of the universal life, intelligently suspended in the vital atmosphere of the world in which we live, can be classified.
It is obvious, palpable, and evident that the surrounding environmental medium in each planet of the inalterable infinite is submitted to various modifications.
It is evident that each specific germinal species demands for its manifestation clear and precise vital conditions.
Any germinal elemental specimen can and must evolve and develop during its cycle of particular activity.
It is indubitable and even axiomatic that when the cycle of activity of any model or germinal type is finished, then it devolves and returns towards its original and primeval state.
Example: coral polyps (which presently in their devolution are just simple, devolving micro-organisms) were in the preceding Round, frightful giants armed with terrible tentacles, very similar to those of maritime octopuses.
The enormous antediluvian monsters that in aforetime were desolating cyclopean cities, leaving everywhere their indelible print of terror and death, still exist - even if this seems incredible - in this present century. Presently, they are simple microbes which are suspended in the atmosphere. In a world of the future Mahamanvantara, those germs of life inevitably will be developed.
But, what can we say about this race of intellectual animals, about these three-brained or three-centered bipeds?
Why would this specimen, sample, or beastly reasoning model be an exception to this majestic rule? It is obvious that the germs of this biped mistakenly called human being started their multiple evolving processes from the very dawn of the Mahamanvantara.
Did you ever hear about the Protoplasmic Root Race? Without a doubt, it is shown in complete meridian clarity that this aforesaid gigantic generation, beyond time and distance, was indeed the culmination of a long series of evolving processes, which had their scenario within the superior dimensions of Nature.
It is known that the subsequent generations of human species, descendants from those enormous archaic giants, have regressed since ancient times, devolving towards their primeval germinal state.
Anthropogenesis teaches that any world from the infinite space sooner or later is converted into a scenario for seven human root races.
Luckily, we know that upon this unfortunate world of too much misfortune, we are, precisely, the fifth generation.
It is obvious that the Sixth Root Race will be even smaller in stature, and by all means it is evident that the last human generation will be Lilliputians.
In order to demonstrate its realities, nature always has specimens, models, living examples to its disposition.
In the moments in which I write these lines, it comes into my memory the singular case of a certain Lemurian-Lilliputian tribe who, until a short while ago lived in Lipez, Bolivia, South America.
Ancient traditions affirm that the men as well as the women from that mysterious tribe have human bodies that scarcely reach statures that start from 15 to 25 centimeters.
People who live there stated that the curious town where these Lilliputians lived still exists, and that it is situated about 120 kilometres from Potosi, Bolivia, South America.
Frankly, it seems very unfortunate to us that this unusual town, similar to a toy village, has been abandoned by its very small and strange dwellers.
It would not be difficult to guess that such an unusual tribe penetrated into the fourth dimension, in order to transport themselves into another place, less visible to the profane sight of curious people.
Thus, the wise Aztecs were not mistaken when emphasising their idea that “the Children of the Third Sun were converted into birds.”
Therefore, in the dusk of this terrestrial life, prior to those moments in which the earth will have converted itself into a new moon, the intellectual animal species will have returned to its germinal state.
It is obvious that after the death of this physical world, the human germs will continue devolving within the superior dimensions of Nature, until returning to their elemental, atomic, original state.
It is written with characters of fire within the great Book of Life, that at the end of the great Cosmic Day, every vital germ must profoundly sleep within the chaos for seven eternities.
Verily, verily, I say unto you that only the music, the Word, the Logos, can awake the vital germs in the dawn of any Mahamanvantara for a new cycle of activity.