Thy Will Be Done
1. Have thou seen, oh Buddha, those ineffable beings who, in the world of willpower, bow themselves reverently before the majesty of the Father.
2. Thy will be done, oh God of mine, on Earth, as it is in heaven.
3. Father of mine, if thou be willing, remove this chalice from me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done.
4. Our will must kneel before the Innermost.
5. We must debase our will before the majesty of the Father.
6. If we want to christify the body of willpower, then we must do the will of God on Earth, as it is in heaven...
7. The Father and the Son are one. Nevertheless, the rebel son is weak before the majesty of the Father.
8. Christ's will is powerful, because it only knows how to do the will of the Innermost on Earth as in heaven.
9. When our will wants to act independently, without doing the will of the Father, it is a weak will.
10. We must plait the crown of thorns of the Master around our temples.
11. The crown of thorns symbolizes Christ's will.
12. Christ's will is omnipotent, because it only knows how to do the will of the Innermost on Earth as in heaven.
13. When human will is against the will of the Father, it commits a crime, defined as high treason against the Innermost.