Different Types of Clairvoyant Perception
Clairvoyance: perception of non-physical imagery. Inferior forms include hallucinations, dreams, daydreaming, fantasy, memory, etc. Superior forms provide perception of other dimensions, free of the limitations of physical spacetime. Another word for clairvoyance is imagination.
There are five fundamental types of clairvoyant perceptions.
1. Conscious clairvoyance
2. Unconscious clairvoyance
3. Infraconscious clairvoyance
4. Subconscious clairvoyance
5. Supraconscious clairvoyance
These five types of clairvoyant perceptions produce different forms of mental reactions.
In forensic psychiatry,1 there are different biotypological characters. Diagnostically speaking, when impacted by clairvoyant perceptions, each personality reacts in accordance to their particular, individual psycho-pathology. There is the apparantly “normal” paranoid, and the sick paranoid.2 There also is the schizophrenic3 with violent, instantaneous, and terrible reactions. There also is the neurasthenic4 with an sick, double personality, the assassin and vulgar oligophrenic,5 the epileptic, the hypersensory type of schizoid6 or hyper-aesthetic with epileptic genotype, etc.
During the moment of a conditional reaction, every clairvoyant speaks and acts conditioned by the type of psychopathological personality that characterizes him as a human entity.
For the development of clairvoyance, it is necessary to possess an intellectual culture.7 To have an intellectual discipline is necessary for the development of the latent powers, chakras, discs, magnetic wheels of the astral body.
A clairvoyant without any intellectual culture and without any intellectual discipline degenerates into a delinquent and vulgar person. A clairvoyant without any intellectual culture can fall into the following crimes: calumny, public or private slander, defamation of honor, threats, uxoricide, homicide, suicide, patricide, fratricide, incest, theft, matricide, kidnapping, ambush, sexual seduction, violence and force, infanticide, etc., and many other cases of crime studied by psychiatry and psychology.
The pathogenic role of superstitious fear induced by the infraconscious, subconscious, or unconscious clairvoyant perceptions give origin to murder, calumny, and public slander, and in general to all kinds of common crimes. The infraconscious, subconscious, or unconscious clairvoyant perceptions produce different situational reactions in accordance with the biotypological type of clairvoyant.
The different types of clairvoyants — namely the neurasthenic, schizophrenic, oligophrenic, epileptic, and hypersensory class of schizoid — fall into states of psychopathic consternation, compulsive and pathological suggestion, superstitious delirium of persecution, etc. All of these take them into the abyss of delinquency.
Therefore, before delivering ourselves to the development of esoteric powers, we need to study ourselves and make a personological, psychopathological diagnosis of our personality.8 After discovering our own particular psychobiotypological “I,” we need to reform ourselves with an intellectual culture. We need an educational psychotherapy9 in order to reform ourselves.
Indeed, the four gospels of Jesus Christ are the best educational psychotherapy. It is necessary to totally study and practice all the teachings contained in the four gospels of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, only after reforming ourselves morally can we deliver ourselves to the development of the chakra discs, magnetic wheels, of the astral body. It is also urgent to study the best authors of Theosophy,10 Rosicrucianism,11 psychology, yoga, etc.
1 A sub-speciality of psychiatry related to criminology, in which doctors study the relationship between mental illness and criminality.
2 Paranoid personality disorder: “Pervasive distrust and suspicion of others and their motives; unjustified belief that others are trying to harm or deceive you; unjustified suspicion of the loyalty or trustworthiness of others; hesitant to confide in others due to unreasonable fear that others will use the information against you; perception of innocent remarks or nonthreatening situations as personal insults or attacks; angry or hostile reaction to perceived slights or insults; tendency to hold grudges; unjustified, recurrent suspicion that spouse or sexual partner is unfaithful” — Mayo Clinic
3 “Schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior.” — Mayo Clinic. Read chapter 18.
4 The term neurasthenia has a highly variable history and questionable value, but was generally used to refer to a condition of nervous weakness or exhaustion. Read chapter 18.
5 Inferior mental development or retardation
6 Schizoid personality disorder: “Lack of interest in social or personal relationships, preferring to be alone; limited range of emotional expression; inability to take pleasure in most activities; inability to pick up normal social cues; appearance of being cold or indifferent to others; little or no interest in having sex with another person” — Mayo Clinic
7 To be well-educated and well-read in matters of the consciousness.
8 The “mask” (persona) that covers our mind. See the glossary entry.
9 To investigate our psyche and educate ourselves about our true state. For more on this, study The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor.
10 Theosophy originated in the United States in 1875, founded by H.P. Blavatsky.
11 The Rosicrucian school was known primarily as a secret society in Europe from the sixteenth century onward. However, “Trustworthy information is unavailable concerning the actual philosophical beliefs, political aspirations, and humanitarian activities of the Rosicrucian Fraternity. Today, as of old, the mysteries of the Society are preserved inviolate by virtue of their essential nature; and attempts to interpret Rosicrucian philosophy are but speculations, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.” —Manly P. Hall. “At this present time there is not a Rosicrucian school in this physical world. The only and unique Rosicrucian order is in the internal worlds.” —Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah