The Work of the Initiate
The human being is united with his inner Christ when he consciously raises his seven serpents. Thus, the seven lights of the candelabra of the living temple of his body are lit when these seven serpents arise throughout the length of his spinal medulla. The two cerebrospinal ganglionic lines that precede the seven serpents in their ascent towards the brain shine with the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit at each side of his vertebral column.
This work of Telesis—or intelligent work of perfection—does not always culminate with the union of the initiate with Christ; yet, when it does culminate with this union, then the human being is one not only with Christ, but moreover, he is also one with the Absolute.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. - 1 Corinthians 15:53-54
The Innermost is the true Man who lives incarnated within any human body, and who all of us carry crucified within our heart. When the human being awakens from his dream of ignorance, he delivers himself to his Innermost, who then becomes united with Christ. This is how the human being becomes almighty like the Absolute from where he has emanated. The Innermost is God within the human being. Whosoever ignores this great truth is only a shadow, the shadow of his Innermost.
The human being believes that he is alone in the universe, separated from God and his fellowmen. The truth is that he has never been, neither is he separated from God and his fellowmen. If all humans would know that, “In God we are, live and move,” then they will cease to fight among themselves; ignorance, misery, pain and evil would not be upon the Earth any more.
The way a human being thinks determines his life. - From the Buddhist Dhammapada 1.1
The false consciousness was born from the erroneous way of thinking that there is a separation between him and his creator, between him and his fellowmen. The “I” was born from this erroneous state of consciousness. The “I” has its abode within the four bodies of sin: physical, Ethereal, Astral, and Mental. The “I” was born within the human consciousness after Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden.
The “I” remains crouched in the threshold of the grave when the physical body dies. The “I” waits until the true and immortal human being (yet, still not Self-realized) returns and incarnates again, so that it can perform its frustrated desires, power, wealth, pleasures, etc. through a new physical body. The explanation for all the sins and sufferings of humanity must be sought within the “I.”
Indeed, we are not what we think we are. Your name might be Joseph or Mary, but your true reality is the Innermost, who the Aztecs in their theology call Quetzalcoatl, the Divine Twin. Observe on the inferior, lower part of the solar stone the two fiery serpents, united by their tongues, one in front of the other. In chapter seven, we stated that the xiuhcoatl are the eternal pairs of opposites; to this we must add that they are the symbol of the Innermost in the man and in the woman. The Innermost has two souls and a septuplet body in each one of its poles of manifestation, masculine and feminine, which were given unto him by Jehovah God when he was expelled out from Eden. The Master Paul of Tarsus states:
But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my Spirit, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. - Romans 7:23
The Willpower-Soul ceases to be and is united with the Innermost in the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries. The Consciousness-Soul ceases to be and is united with the Innermost in the Sixth Initiation of Major Mysteries.
The Innermost is God within the human being; the “I” is Satan in the human being. The symbols of the Innermost are the star of five points, the pyramid, the cross with equal arms, the scepter.
When you perform your meditation practices, concentrate on your Innermost, who is the true-you, and with a lot of reverence, pronounce the mantra OMNIS AUM. And you shall be caught up into paradise, and hear unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. [2 Corinthians 12:3]
A liberated human being is a Master of himself. He is not obligated to reincarnate. However, if he reincarnates, he does so willingly and lovingly in order to help humanity. Nevertheless, in such a case, he always follows the narrow path of duty, love, and sacrifice, which take him directly into the unlimited joy of the Absolute.
When the initiate withdraws before the dilemma of the threshold of the sanctuary, his Innermost or his Being, the Truth, slowly flees from him. This is why in chapter eight we stated: crime is hidden within the incense of prayer; crime wears the tunic of sanctity before the altar and has the figure of a martyr. At this point, this “I” or “the prince of this world,” as the Holy Scriptures call it, triumphed in the struggle over the body. The body which he loved so much and longed for so much, in order to dwell in and to enjoy, was very close to lost; this was a terrible blow.
Yet now the “I” will be alert; his passions will not flourish so easily. He will disguise himself with the appearance of a beautiful child, but now it is more dangerous, more sly; he does not want money but power; he does not want fame but honors from the world, from the human flock; he wants to receive reverence from the human flock and to receive kisses on his hand from them, so that they can call him great Prelate or great Master.
Now, he writes books, dictates lectures, and enjoys talking about his great deeds. As the actors from theatres, he enjoys the applause. He always has a philosophical excuse to amend all of his evil actions. He shaves his crowned head or lets his beard and hair grow long; he dissimulates sanctity in all of his moods; he disguises his anger with severity and his pride with beggar’s attitudes; he undresses himself without shame in order to show his great powers, and in gatherings he always craves for the first chairs of the first row.
Nevertheless, for God there is neither space nor time. But until the human being awakens from his dream of separatism, within which only the impulse of his passion moves to the degree that these are governing the world, he lives dead in regard to God, to himself, and to fellowmen. He polishes his personality throughout his reincarnations; thus, his body and face become beautiful or ugly according to his deeds (read The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde). Only his eyes slowly change, and he leaves the unmistakable seal of his way of being, thinking, feeling, and loving in all of that which he does. Then, one day, tired of his painful, pilgrim life upon the Earth, he stops, turns, and goes back towards his Beloved One. The liberation of this type of human is what the divine Master Jesus Christ refers to in the parable of the prodigal son.
Know thyself! This was written on the posterior part of the threshold of the temples of mysteries in ancient Greece. This is the only purpose of life, that the human being must know himself as a child of God, as a God himself over the Earth, so that the Earth can be transformed into a beautiful garden where liberty, equality, and fraternity is the law of love for all humans. This is the marvelous clue of the power of all magi from all times. See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. [Deuteronomy 30:15]
We stated in chapter nine that you should ask yourself in the moments of your daily meditation, “Who am I?” So, if you have practiced loyally and devoutly the exercise of chapter nine, then indeed you should have heard the sweet and amorous voice of your internal Christ. We recommend that you read those chapters again. Thus, before delivering yourself to meditation, feel yourself be what you always have eternally been: the Innermost.
Affirm yourself in that state of consciousness, saying seven times, “I am He,” and feel that the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit detaches from your solar plexus (where you left it in the practice of the former chapter) and arises towards your heart, where it becomes united with your Innermost, the true you. Your Innermost and your internal Christ are oneself.
See the sacred fire that was detached from your chakra Muladhara rise upwardly, penetrating and enveloping your entire body, thus burning your negative habits, like: laziness, assumption, fear, loquacity, anger, envy, malignity, vanity, etc. Then finish your meditation, concentrating on the following words of the Apostle Paul, "There is an animal body, and there is a spiritual body" and repeat like him, "Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me." From now on, try to make this state of consciousness the diapason that inspires all the acts of your life.